Wishlist Round One

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Some of the editorial moderators have sat down to compile a wishlist of letters we’d love to see. Check it out and get inspired!

We’d love to get letters to/from...

- A telegram boy

- Animals! (Horses, dogs…)

- An unborn baby

- An adopted child

- This member of the Australian Camel Corps

- A weapons manufacture or someone making money off the war

- Amelia Earhart!

- An ancestor of a soldier (i.e. “To My Grandson”)

- Medics, nurses, stretcher carriers

- The enemy

- LGBT soldiers

- Prisoners of War

- A soldier to his commanding officer

- A survivor to his dead comrades

- A propaganda poster

We’d also like to get more…

- Recordings of children reading their letters

- Letters about the role of the railway in WWI

- Letters about the Christmas Truce

- Songs!


Feeling inspired? Write your own letter to the unknown soldier and join the 17,000+ people who have already contributed including Stephen Fry, Lee Child and Malorie Blackman.

Post your letter on your own Wattpad account with the tag #UnknownSoldier, and then upload it to our online memorial at www.1418NOW.org.uk/letter/new

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