Ch1 A Hard Life

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"Ugggh..." I groaned as I heard Ms Lisa, the orphanage owner, call for us to come downstairs for breakfast. I HATE eggs, which is basically the only thing that the orphanage serves for breakfast. So I never eat breakfast. Anyway, as I sat up in my bed, I noticed my laptop open on my lap. I had been watching PopularMMOs and GamingWithJen, Dorito Lucky Block Bedwars (video).
I was exhausted, as I barely got any sleep. So I shut my laptop and took out my ear buds and set them on my bedside table. I cuddled back into bed and fell back to sleep quickly.
Time Skip 1 Hour Later:
I felt a hard poke on my ribs. I groggily (is that a word?) Sat up, rubbing my head. "Wake up, you lazy pig!" My worst bully, Samantha, said. I felt a shoot of pain, in my stomach. She had punched me. Hard. I sat strait up this time, and replied. "Ok ok jeez I'm up you don't have to punch me! That hurt!" "Good. Ms. Lisa wants us downstairs. She wouldn't even tell me why!" Samantha looked hurt when she said that. Ms. Lisa usually favors Samantha and I, only because she doesn't know about Samantha's daily bullying. I don't want to tell her. Anyways, as we walked down the stairs, me in the lead, I felt something cold and hard hit my back. An ice cube. "Seriously Samantha?" She snickered and shoved me out of the way. I banged my hip against the railing. I was having a bad day so far.
When I got downstairs, Ms. Lisa made an announcement. "Now that everyone is here, I would like to announce that somebody here is going to be adopted!" We all cheered! 'But only one person.' I thought. Samantha elbowed me in the stomach. I was getting used to it by now. "I will not reveal who they are, but I will say that they are popular among (almost) all of you guys!" I got super excited at those words. Almost everyone at the orphanage loves Pat and Jen, only Samantha is a hater. She hates everyone. Could they possibly be adopting? I vaguely remember hearing Jen say she wanted a child about a month or so ago in a video. I pushed the thought out of my head. There was no way that they would come, based on my luck. Even if they did, they would never choose me. So, I climbed back up the stairs, and lay down again. I pulled a granola bar out of my stash of hidden snacks. I pulled out my old IPhone 4 and saw that Pat and Jen had posted a video. The title shocked me!!! The content shocked me even more!!!

Cliff Hanger MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAAJAHJDYDHSCB Sorry I'm hyper lol. I will try to update ASAP. Leave any suggestions in the comments and don't forget to vote and share!

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