Bardock Vs Frieza

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Frieza: Ill show you some Beautiful fireworks.

Bardock: Heres my saiyan spirit.

Frieza Soilder:Hey! Frieza its King Cold and Cooler

Bardock: Huh theres more

Cooler:Leave now Saiyan or die!

King Cold: Foolish Saiyans

Zarbon:Frieza we killed Bardocks group.

Dodoria:But one Survived!

Frieza:Was it Bardock?

Dodoria: Actually it was!

Frieza Soilder: The saiyans are escaping!

Frieza: Let them go.Ill give them 2 minutes.

King Cold: Frieza! Our Home Planet Blew Up. We don't know how

Cooler: It was a saiyan.

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