Jackie Chun vs King Piccolo

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King Piccolo: Don't Sweat Old Man! I'll make this quick.

Jackie Chun: Don't underestimate me!

King Piccolo: Double.....Special.....Beam......Cannon
...(Two Special Beam Cannons were dashing towards Jackie Chun) Die!!!!

Jackie Chun: Double Finger Beam ( Fought against the two special beam Cannons with his two finger beams) Hahhh.....ohhhhh

King Piccolo: What!? I'm being pushed. Not so fast I have a deadly move. (Opens Mouth and Shoots a Red Beam) Haaaaaaa!!!!(Jackie Chun falls off the stage)

Jackie Chun: Darn it! I should've never went easy. Ahh now where are my magazines?

Announcer: And the Winner is King Piccolo! This is Getting Better and Better!

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