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Kid Goku: (Talking to Dragon Ball) Grandpa! I bought food! I'll cook today.

Bardock:Im picking something up.

Kid Goku:I'm sensing something?


Kid Goku: Huh? Its getting closer.

Bardock: Inside This House. (Walks In) Where is he? Hello!? Kakarot?

Kid Goku: What's a Kakarot? Who are you? Are you here to steal my food you big monster!?

Bardock: Kakarot! Hi there little buddy.

Kid Goku:.Have we met? Why do you look like me



Kid Goku: What is that? Its a Monster?!

???:Ahh!I'm not a monster!I'm just a kid. Please have mercy.

Bardock:Kakarot! Stand Back.(Charging a Large Ki Blast) Here take this......

???:Wait!!!!!!! Look I'm a human just like you two......wait a minute your that freak that was with my dad. I seen you too talking. My name is Bulma! My dad he fixed your Eye Thing!

Bardock:Bulma? Your a Girl?

Kid Goku: A Girl? Grandpa told me about girls. Your supposed to be nice to girls mister!.

Bardock: Mister!? Dont you dare talk to me like young man! I am your Father!!

Kid Goku: Your my dad? How come you dont look human. Wait! You have a tail. You really are my dad.

Bardock:Kakarot! Wrap your tail.(wrapping gokus tail around waist) There!

Bulma: You two! Have you seen a Dragon Ball? And why do you have tails. Little Boy?! What's your name?

Kid Goku: My name is Goku!

Bardock: Nonsense! Your name is Kakarot!

Kid Goku: huh? Are you sure?

Bardock. Yes! Me and Gine are your parents. You were sent to Earth to destroy this planet.

Kid Goku: Well look "Dad" im going to help Bulma look for the Dragon Balls

Bardock: Oh Alright! Hey Bulma when your done searching for the dragon balls meet me at Capsule Corp. I'll be with your dad.

          Bardock SurvivesWhere stories live. Discover now