Jack Chun vs Yamcha

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Yamcha: Alrigt old man! Bring it on.

Jackie Chun: Hiyaa( jump into the sky charging a Kamehameha)

Yamcha:Huh? Why are you so high up? Take this ( launched a mini spirit ball)

Jackie Chun: Hahaha. Kame...hame...ha!

Yamcha: What The?!(Moved Out of the Way)

Jackie Chun: What! You dodged it? Take this ( Small finger beam)

Yamcha: Take What? Huh? Im sensing something large. ( Jumped up and blasted the Finger Beam with a ki blast)

Jackie Chun: I didn't want to do this but....Hooyahjj( shot a paralyze beam)

Yamcha: I can't move!

Jackie Chun: Hahahaha  Boom Boom Boom(shot several ki blast at yamcha and knocked him off the stage)

Announcer: Yamcha has dropped out!
Jackie Chun is the winner.

Jackie Chun: Puff Puff... I won already


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