💙Chapter 3: Old Faces and New Acquaintances💙

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With a snap of my fingers, Mabel and I were transported back to the house. If I were correct, Papyrus should still be "training" with Undyne, and the only reason I say this with quotation marks is because the last time I interrupted them "training," they were just playing a violently-competitive game of Uno at his fishy-friend's place. He wouldn't be home until the end of the day, which would make Mabel coming home to the Underground a surprise. Im sure Pap will be excited to see the kid. I thought to myself as I firmly held Mabel in my arms. A smile spread across my face as I heard a gentle snore came from Mabel, her head nuzzled deep into my shoulder. Being extra careful, I carefully headed up to my room, placing the girl on my bed. Then, I quickly scribbled a note down, saying that I had a couple of errands to run, and that I would return back soon. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead with my teeth, and teleported myself back up to the surface, where I awaited in front of the twin's second home in Gravity Falls: The Mystery Shack. 

At this point, it seemed to be a bit more barren and desolate than what i remembered it to be. I would come up to the surface occasionally, just to get a change of scenery every so often, or whenever I'd get get a taste for surface food at that diner Mabel took me to once. What was the owner's name again?..... Hazy Houston?..... No, that wasn't it.... It's been too long since I was up here to remember. As I approached the the front door of the barren building that was once known as the Mystery Shack, I noticed a small slip of paper placed inside the door window for everyone to read. It said: 

To whom it may concern;

The Mystery Shack will be closed for the next few months or so. Melody and I have decided to take a long-needed vacation to see her family and plan for our future. We plan to return with even better exhibits and Soos-tastical events. Thanks for your time and paitence, bro!

~Mr. Mystery

Well then, I thought to myself, where else can that bonehead be?  I thought long and hard for a few moments, then started to peruse the little town for any sign of a certain someone. My next stop was the diner, Mabel and I double dated there a couple times with Alphys and Undyne, but after she returned back to her parents for the summer, I tended to stay away from the surface. A lot of times I felt like I didnt belong or fit in, and I was always seen as a fancy exhibit or a town legend, and frankly, I wasn't up to that title. It's a lot of pressure on my trapezius, if you catch what im saying. Taking in a sharp inhale, I wrapped by bony fingers around the handle of the door, and yanked it open. The warm smells and lively sounds of the little diner drifted out into the open forest outside where i was standing, and, almost as if I was letting all of the cold air out of a freezer, I schooched myself in and shut the door behind me. Hazy Houston, or, whatever her name was glanced up from her posistion at the counter, her eye locking with my sockets as she slid a costumer near her a tall, frothy milkshake. 

"Heyy! I know you!!" she bellowed, waggling a finger at me. "You're that funny guy who saved us from that whole Weird-whatchamacallit last year!! Did'ja hear Mabel's back? Or did you come here thinking she was here so you could tie the knot?" My cheekbones flushed blue as she winked- er- blinked at me, catching onto what she was implying. "Uh, actually, no, we already crossed paths," I stuttered, clearing my throat to prevent my voice from cracking anymore in embarrassment. "I was actually looking for her brother, to tell him that she was safe with me. I was wondering if he was here by chance-"

"You mean Dipper?" A voice from my peripheral said, and i craned my neck down to the other end of the counter to see a tall girl with a blue cap with a pine tree, almost exactly like-

"Pretty sure he went over to the Northwest mansion. I saw him and Pacifica catching up, and I guess since he didnt have a place to go since the Mystery Shack is on hiatus, she invited him over to take a room at her place. Honestly those two couldnt really get along last summer, but I guess shes learned to mature up and now they clicked? But I dunno man you didnt hear that from me." The girl winked at me as she rose from her bar seat, swiveling the oh-so-familar cap around backwards on her head. Slamming some cash down as what I could assume as a tip for the Waitress, she waved a farewell and pushed past me, the jingling of the bell signaling her depature. I whirled around behind her, not satisfied with what little information i got, let alone where she got that hat from. For all I know she could be another oddball like that Gideon Gleeful, and snatched Dipper up and all his possessions. 

"Wait!" I called out, and she turned around to face my direction. "Sup?" she saluted, a lazy grin on her face. 

"Where did you get that hat? Are you honest on what you said by-"

"Pshh I got it from your dipstick! You honeslty take me for a theif? We traded hats before they went back to California."

"But how do I know youre not-"

"How im not lying? Because I worked at the Mystery Shack before those two even fell down your way."

Annnnnd we're back!! Dont know if Im gonna have a posting schedule or if im just gonna write whenever I can like I did back in the good old days of 2016, but hello!! Gonna try writing again as I lose sanity in the everlasting quarantine, to hopefully finish out some of my incomplete stories!! Honestly i cant believe how popular my stuff got despite its lack of quality, but I mean i guess I have to finish what I started. Sometimes I even wonder if most of the community I have left, since Ive been dormant for so long, but hey!! Im back for now at least!! Hope you all enjoy and see you all next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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