Hephastus Cabin

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You arrived at the Hephastus cabin after getting lost three times and asking two demigods and a goat-boy (saytr, sorry... still learning) for directions. Leo answered the door before you could even knock. He was practically buzzing up and down like he'd have enough coffee to fill a lake. "So you couldn't get any armor? It's cool. I have some extra celestial bronze armor I made in Bunker 9," he stated excitedly and you just stood there with a confused look plastered on your face.

"Oh um. Yeah totally. Thanks Leo."

He might have winked at you but you weren't fully sure. Before you could decide, Leo turned and walked into his cabin looking in drawers and chests for his extra armor. He saw that you were still in his doorway, wide eyed with amazement at both Leo and his cabin, so he gestured you to come in. You looked around and saw wordless and those masks that people wear when fusing stuff together. Almost everything was covered in grease or oil and there were multiple beds scattered throughout the cabin. There really was no floor plan and nothing was organized. Drawers were left open, beds were unmade, blueprints were hanging from walls by a corner. The place was a mess but Leo knew exactly where he was going and you just quietly followed. Finally Leo sat on a bed that you assumed was his and he pulled a trunk out from underneath it. He dug through it until he found what he was looking for. He laid out multiple pieces of bronze armor that looked like it would fit you perfectly.

"Here you go! I made these a few years ago when I was, you know, younger, so these should fit you. You're not that much smaller than me." He smiled and you still stood there, stunned.

"Leo I am so confused. What's all this about Capture the Flag and armor and Bunker 9?"

Leo stood up, ready to explain the question, but he quickly sat back down on his bed. "You must be confused. Here sit down." You sat next to him on the bed, not too close but it was enough for your insides to go crazy. "So we play this war-like game that I think is pretty fun  but it's just so crazy and you have to wear armor or else you might loose an arm or something. Anyways this is Celestial bronze armor that I fused together in a secret bunker created by Hephastus kids years ago. And I use it to make all sorts of stuff. There does that fill you in?"

"Yeah, thanks." You looked at the bronze armor.

"Look I was new here once too. I was kinda just thrown into a crazy situation and had to learn to like everyone I was on a quest with. You probably have it a lot harder. I kinda have always been the odd man out in the Seven. Everyone's all couple-y and I feel alone sometimes. You are probably wondering what this random hot dude is doing spilling his problems on you, but my point is, I'm a lot less chill than the others. They're all hero-y and I know what it's like to be you. Basically I wanna be friends. Geez I'm out of breath now."

You chuckled but were thankful that finally someone offered to be your friend. "Thanks Leo, for being so nice to me."

"Anytime!" He clapped, "Now back to that armor. Capture the Flag starts in 20. Meet me by the river, I know a great place we can make our fort."

Did you like it? Let me know what you want to happen during capture the flag! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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