August 17, 2018

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I mentally facepalm myself for calling him a gardener. He's way too young and good looking. I knew that my friend Lauren had an older brother but I didn't know that he was attractive.

"Sorry, I can leave if you want me to" I mutter, turning around to go back downstairs. I'm stopped by one of Johnny's hands pulling me closer as I hit his bare chest.

"I don't" he says. He doesn't want me to leave?

"I mean, I don't need you to leave. There's enough room for the both of us" he smiles, still not letting me go. My stomach fills with butterflies as I feel his wet skin against my shirt. I look up at him as he begins to lean in and as I'm about to do the same, my phone begins to vibrate in my back pocket. I pull away from his grip, not being able to process the fact that I was about to kiss this kid that I didn't even know. I look at the caller ID to see that Lauren was calling me. I turn my head at Johnny and we both share the same look.

"Lauren..." I start but I'm not mad at her, I just want her to think that I am.

"Mon I'm so sorry! I've literally been trying to reach Johnny for the past 3 days but he's been AWOL and I just know he's gonna be there cause that's where he goes whenever he-"

"Lauren, no need to expose my life story." He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck from embarrassment.

"Johnny, I swear if you drive away another one of my friends with your-" she is cut off again but this time with Johnny pressing end to the call. I laugh, knowing that Lauren will be very pissed.

"Want t tell me what you keep doing that makes you come here every time?" I ask, slightly amused.

"Well, I do this thing where I get into a fight with my parents and I just drive up here to get away from them. What about you?"

"I needed some time alone to think. My parents are getting divorced and I have no clue who to live with. I love them both equally but my mom is moving to Europe and my dad is staying here. Not to mention the fact that we just moved to Toronto 3 weeks ago." I explain.

"I'm sorry, that must be a really tough decision to make. Maybe I should leave, so you know, you can decide properly." He gives me a sympathetic smile, as I hesitantly nod. He walks into his room where I assume he's going to get dressed.

I do need the alone time, but maybe I can just take my mind off of them like I planned to in the first place. He brings out a good side of me, a very wild one too.

I walk towards Johnny's room, not bothering to knock. Thankfully, he's dressed and is just packing up his clothes.

"Hey Johnny?"

"Yes Monika?" He responds with a sarcastic tone.

"Maybe you shouldn't leave." I play with my fingers while I wait for him to say something. Am I being too forward?

"You want me to stay?" He says as he walks towards me and by instinct, I step back.

"Only if you want to." I flutter my eyes and look up at him. I run my hands up his arms and rest it on his shoulders. I didn't want him to know that he intimidates me because I don't want him to use it to his advantage. If there's one thing people should know about me, I'm very flirtatious. I don't know why but that's just how I am.

Johnny decides to flirt back and pulls me closer by the waist. I let out a small gasp, surprised by his action.

"I'll stay if it means I can kiss you." He says, looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

"Do it."

And barely one second later, I feel his eager lips against my just as eager ones.

Johnny is 17 here dkm
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