August 21, 2018

756 16 2

I woke up at about 2 pm, not really being motivated to get up. I had a huge fight with Johnny last night and its not a situation where I can forgive and forget. He and I will never work out, which really helped me decide on whether or to stay in Toronto. I get dressed in leggings and a sports bra because why not channel all my anger by running?

I walk to the kitchen so I can make a smoothie, preparing for my run. I cannot wait to finally leave this house and be away from Johnny. It takes everything in my body to not jump on him and start making out with him but I managed as I see him walking in. I roll my eyes even though I turned my back to him. I finish making my smoothie and as I'm putting my trainers on, the devil spoke.

"Where are you going?" 

"Away from you."

"Mon, you're still on this? I know that I hurt you but..." He's saying a bunch of bullshit but I blank out. I want him to hurt the way he hurt me. I know that he also feels what I feel and I know I sound crazy, but like I said, I'm not leaving this cottage brokenhearted. As I hear Johnny conclude his annoying speech, I put on a fake smile and turn around to face him. I take in a deep breathe, not knowing why I choose to do this to myself.

"Noted. Forgive and forget, yeah?"

"Um, yeah." He licks his lips, taken aback by my reply. I want to kiss him so bad but I can't run back to him after all the shit he said in the hot tub.

"Anyway. We should throw a party tomorrow. You know, just to celebrate our last day together." 

"Should't we be celebrating our last day together, together?"

"Yes together, with a couple more people."

"Okay. Whatever you need Mon."

"I gotta go." I run out of the house and onto the lakefront trail. That was a lot harder than i could ever imagine. I'm distracted by my thoughts which causes me to bump into another runner. Well fuck.

"Sorry." He offers me his hand up and I reluctantly take it, looking up at the nice stranger. My eyes widen at the person standing in front of me.



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