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disclaimer: this book will discuss certain topics, one of the many will of course be sex - so if you are not comfortable reading anything w/ mature content this book may not be for you. if you are okay with mature content, hello and enjoy my loves 💛.
i watched the last two customers as they both tried to decide which flavored condoms they should get. it seemed as if the girl was more excited than the boy, but then again she couldn't make up her mind and he was probably aggravated - i would've been too. to help them and myself, i remove myself from the cash register and head in the direction they were.

"i see you two are having some trouble," i point out, the girls face turns a bit red as she nods "well, these have been getting some pretty good reviews - from both parties. so i'd recommend"

"are you sure?" she questions, before she gets to say something else, her boyfriend, i assume jumps in "we'll get them"

they follow me to register and i get a better look at the boys face, his brows were furrowed and he looked a bit impatient - but he was handsome. "your total is 5.95" i smile, the boy nods handing me a ten "keep the change". with a quick thank you, they leave.

the ringing of bells interrupt the silence moment, indicating someone had came into the store. i groan, "we're closed"

"i'm not here to buy anything." a deep voice responds, "i'm here to ask you a question"

i get up from my spot behind the register, and look up at the familiar face. the boy with the indecisive girlfriend. i smile, "what's your question?"

"you have perfect lips" he compliments "i might have something better for you to do"

"thank you, but i think i'll pass" i chuckle, he smirks "no babe, hear me out. see those little flavored condoms you helped that girl pick out?"

"your girlfriend, yeah" i nod, "no not my girlfriend, like i said the girl. maybe, we can try them out? we being you and i"

"i'm aware of what 'we' means," i say "but maybe." i lick my lip, before biting it. his eyes flicker from my face, to my lips and down to my breast.

leaning over the desk, i decide to tease him a little "enjoying the view?" he nods, "tell you what, come back another day and we can go in that little back room over there, we'll do whatever comes to your mind." i wink, he smirks and slips something over the counter before racing out of the store.

that was weird, but he was attractive besides, it's been a while since i've given or received anything. what harm could it do?

i eye the balled up paper, a receipt from the purchase he made today. why did he feel the need to leave it? i flip the paper over seeing his number with his name written underneath.

'323-xxx-xxxx' jack ;)

i feel a small smile creep on my face as i added his number into my phone. i'd text him later, if i didn't forget. it was now, 8:00 time to close the shop and finally get home to relax and enjoy my four day weekend considering i didn't work on friday's to monday's.
"sammy boy!" i smile as the facetime call connected

"josephine!" he grins, "what are you doing tonight?"

"nothing, i was just about to ask you the same" i placed my phone on something, so i could talk to sammy while i cooked a meal

"you're cooking, what you making?" sammy questions, "i'm making steak, potatoes and sweet corn" i smile, flipping the camera to show him what i was currently working on - preparing the steak.

"i'm coming over, with friends. so make a lot" sammy chuckles, hanging up before i get a chance to respond.

i didn't mind, the more the merrier. plus, i enjoyed cooking it was a passion. sadly, due to family issues we weren't able to afford me getting into a cooking school meaning i had to work, until i was able to pay for something.
it was now 11:15 to be exact, sammy and his friends we're here but he claimed one of them were running a little late. i didn't mind, i left the food out for the boys to make their own plates while i sat down and relaxed for the moment.

"i didn't know you cooked" nate gives a dimpled smile, popping a small potato in his mouth "it's amazing, honestly"

i return the smile, thanking him. sammy was too busy shoving food in his mouth to even talk, the most that came out of him was the smacking every few seconds. for the rest of the time, it was a peaceful silence and i got for kick back for a few - something i've been wanting to do all day. i grab my phone from the waistband of my ethika shorts, as i started to text jack there's a knock on the door.

"coming!" i shout, walking to the door and checking the peephole to see who it was.


swinging the door open, i look at him in shock he returns the look but replaces it with a smirk

"you're the sex shop girl!" he grins, i shake my head and joke, "i prefer josephine but sex shop girl works too"

"okay, josephine, what are you doing here?"

"this is my apartment, jack" i chuckle, as i lock the door.

"ooh, first night and i'm already in the apartment. what's next the bedroom?" jack smirks again

"wait, you guys know each other?" nate questions, "something like that. we just met today" i reply with a small smile.

"at the, sex shop."
hey guys , soo this is one of the many books i've been working on publishing - i was going to wait a little longer but i couldn't, i'm excited to be sharing this book w/ you guys.

as a warning, the book is fast paced which i don't normally try, so this is something new for me and for you guys!

i hope you enjoyed this little chapter, because there will be plenty more to come. once again, this book will discuss certain topics, one of the many will of course be sex - so if you are not comfortable reading anything w/ mature content this book may not be for you.

once again, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. i love you all 💛 🙂

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