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"josie!" sammy smiles as soon as i walk through the door "thought you'd never stop by, with ya busy ass!"

"i'm sorry" i groan, walking into the kitchen "works been a pain"

"work, or jack?" nathan questions, sitting on a barstool "don't try and deny it either. i'm not stupid"

"jack and i are acquaintances and acquaintances only" i proudly speak "nothing more. nothing less"

nathan and sammy both let out a "yeah right" i'm not sure if it was intended for me to hear or not, but i protested. i was truthful, jack and i were acquaintances who had played around with each other occasionally.

"i'm making garlic bread" sam blurts out, taking the garlic bread out the freezer and popping it into the oven. "it better be good, or i'll be disappointed"

nate and i chuckle at sam's comment, and talk about what they've had going on.

"i met this girl jade, she is so fucking sexy." nate practically groans at the mention of this jade. "amazing body, personality - everything. the whole package"

"i wanna meet her." i smile "if you're speaking highly of her, she must be that special. i wanna meet her"

"me too." sam grins, turning his attention to us.

before i sam could get a word out, there was a knock on the door, "it's probably jack, i'll go get that". me and nate stared at the oven waiting for the garlic bread - which should be done soon, i was starving and i'm sure he was too. when isn't he?

"jack! what's up my man" i hear sam shout, the sound of slapping indicated they were probably doing they're little bro thing "oh. madison, you're here"

madison? what was she doing here. i thought he was done with her?

sam walked back into the kitchen, mouthing an "i'm sorry" as he checked on the garlic bread. i shrugged, not phased by the sudden appearance of madison.

"hey nate!" madison greets. nate nodded his head, not really caring about her - more focused on texting i'm assuming jade.

"this is josie" jack awkwardly introduces me, "the girl from the sex store! i remember you. you helped us with deciding what product to buy. you were definitely right by the way!" madison giggles, i give her a fake smile.
"how do you burn garlic bread!" johnson shouts as sam, the smell of burnt garlic bread filled the house.

i laugh, johnson was the most laid back out of all the guys i had met so far we had instantly clicked, and while the others chatted it up we playing imessage games - blocking everyone else out. "i only had it in there for thirty minutes"

"it doesn't take that long!" i jump in, sam holds his hands up in defeat "if it doesn't take that long, how about you cook for us"

"i would, but you literally have nothing in your fridge besides leftovers. besides i cooked two nights ago" i grin, the guys all groan but madison, who glared at me.

"i know who you are" madison rolls her eyes "you're the girl who was with jack the other night."

"got that right" i smirk "and the other two nights"

"you're the reason jack's been avoiding me" she adds on, i shrug not really caring. "i had to force him to bring me here"

"that's not my problem. control your boyfriend next time, let him know he can't have his cake and eat it too" not really caring, i continue the game of 8ball with johnson.

[johnson] spicyyy , you finally shut her up.

i laugh out loud at johnson's text, we share a look and laugh out loud together. getting weird looks from the others. "i don't see what's funny" madison mumbles, instead of entertaining her i engage in the guys conversation.

[gilinsky] meet me in the upstairs bathroom . that was so uncalled for 🙄.

ignoring jack's text message, i smile at nate encouraging him to invite jade over. "please! i'm sure she'd appreciate you finally introducing her to your friends"

with all the begging and pleading, nate finally gives in. going somewhere to call the oh so famous, jade.

[gilinsky] don't ignore my text , josephine

{josie} oh we're back on first name basis ? okay, jack

i watched jack get up, give me a look and walk upstairs to the bathroom. i waited a few before excusing myself trying to not make it seem as obvious.

"what's wrong with you?" jack whispered, as he closed and locked the bathroom door. i shrugged, hopping onto the bathroom counter "nothing. what do you mean?"

"why are you being rude to madison?"

"i'm not. you are" i retort "you treat her like shit from the looks of it, you literally cursed her out - talked hella shit about her to me. oh and not to mention, cheated on her"

i smirked, proud of myself for putting jack in his place. he had no right to try and come for me when he's the reason madison has a problem with me. nobody told him to be a horny fuck.

"nobody told you to give in, either" jack grins, answering my unasked question "can't put the blame on me. takes two to tango"

"no. i can put the blame on you, because you told me she wasn't your girlfriend and you felt nothing for her. but show up with her. jack, honestly i came here to hang with my friends - not argue with you. when you decide to be a man about your actions, you have my number" i hop off the counter, i flipped my dress up to tease jack, showing him the lacy red thong he said he adored when we were in the store.

"that's not fair." i hear jack mumble, i smirk feeling a tad bit satisfied.

"everything okay?" johnson asks, once i take my seat next to him. i simply nod, not wanting to mention what happened upstairs. "jack's my best friend, but he's definitely a dickhead."

"you could say that again." i chuckle, i liked johnson for being here right now and understanding where i was coming from. he was definitely cool.

"okay guys!" nate comes downstairs, with a big smile "jade's gonna be here any minute"

"i'm excited! finally another girl" i squeal, i hear madison clear her throat as if she wanted me to mention her. "like i said, another girl."
hi lols , this was supposed to be published a month ago. but i lowkey forgot about this while i was editing it all over. lolll.

anyways , i hoped you guys enjoyed. much loveee 💗.

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