Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to screams, I rushed down stairs immediately.

" WHAT'S WRONG!?" I yelled.

"I just got my new dress!" My older sister screeched. 'Oh my god' I thought, 'I ran down here thinking someone was getting attack'. I looked at the clock and decided it was time to get ready for school.

I walked up stairs and grabbed my uniform from off my dresser. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror and thought 'Another year sitting alone a having no friends'. I put on my uniform and also put on some cute thigh high (F/C) dotted socks. I walked down stairs and grabbed my backpack and schedule. 'I'll skip breakfast' I though.

I was about to walk out the door when my older brother grabbed me by my hair. " Where are you going, Bitchface?" he growled at me.
" I-I was going t-to school" I stuttered out.
"If I found out you spoke to any boys, you'll wish you we're never born" He hissed at me. "Ok"...

~ Time Skip ~

When I arrived at school, I struggled to find my class room. "Do you need help?" A voice asked. I turned to meet the green eyes of a green haired boy who had concern in his eyes.
"Yes I do, can you help me find this class?" I said then showed him my paper.
"Oh, just follow me that's my class as well" He said smiling, reassuring me.

On the way there we had a nice conversation. "Hey, I never got your name," He said.
"Oh sorry, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), what's your name?"
" I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He said happily.

We arrived through the door and was met with many interesting people. 'Oh god, I'm already scared' I thought. I could feel my anxiety start creepy up into my thoughts. "Hey, are you alright? You look a little pale" Izuku asked me.
" Oh yeah I'm fine" I lied.

"Oh ok, if you need help come find me" He smiled to me then walked to his seat. 'I think I made a friend' I thought. I looked around and then realized that the other people are still here and then I started panicking.
"You'll be fine" I whispered to myself. I walked to an empty seat and sat down. I looked around the class and observed the people in it.

As I was looking around the room, my eyes fell upon a set of ruby red ones. The owner of those eyes seemed angry that I looked at him. He stood up and came stomping over. 'I'M DONE, MOM I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW I ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND ALLY I WISH I WAS A BETTER OLDER SISTER' I was screaming in my head.

" Hey, What are staring at extra!?" He shouted in my face.
"I-I-I didn't-t mean to s-stare at y-you I-It was just-t a-"
"Today junior, you got a stuttering problem or something!?" He shouted at me. I slammed my hands into my face and said
"I'm really sorry!" He chuckled and said
"Your pathetic just like Deku" I stared to tear up and let them drop down to my thighs. I grabbed my stuff and ran as fast as I could out of the room catching the eyes of all my fellow classmates and Izuku.

I ran through the halls and then bumped into someone. We both fell to the ground, I looked up and saw a small girl with brown hair and her stuff that was bumped out her hands floating around her. "I-I'm very s-sorry" I stuttered our. " It's ok-" She looked up to see my tear stained cheeks. "Are you alright?"

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