Chapter 2 Visitors

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As I just got back into my room after taking my usual lap around the hospital, I see a familiar face putting his backpack down.


Ponyboy pulls up the green chair next to the bed and sits down.

"Hey Marcie." he says as he grabs my limp hand.

"I'm gonna tell you something you may or may not like." he says.

I would say I was worried, but his face was trying too hard to keep from smiling.

He whispers, " Sodapop has a new girlfriend and it ain't Sandy."

For some reason I don't believe him.

" HAHA, I'm just kidding!" he says laughing his ass off.

When I was first placed into the hospital, all of my brothers were serious. They never said jokes and or smiled. Every time they came in they were sad. It made me sad. I've tried so hard to wake up and I never could. But now my brothers come in smiling and ready to see me. Always cracking jokes. I guess they know I'm smiling too.

"Marcie, the doc says that you might wake up soon. I hope he's right. I miss you." Pony says.

The nurse said something like that earlier today when she was checking my vitals and such. I personally don't believe it, but if it makes my brothers hopeful then I guess I can try to believe it too.

Just then, someone comes through the door. It's Ferris Wilson.

"Hey Ponyboy." Ferris says.

"Hey Ferris. What's going on?"

"Just came to say hi to Marcilynn." Ferris replies.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone with her." Ponyboy says as he gets up and heads for the door. "Hey! I'm going to go down to the food court. Want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good man. Thank you though." Ferris responds

"No problem. I'll be back up in a few."

Ponyboy leaves the room leaving Ferris and I alone.

"Hey Marcie!" Ferris says happily. He always had a smile on his face.

"So I got hit up by some socs earlier this week. They didn't get a scratch on me thanks to Jackson. I think our friendship is okay now. I asked him if he wanted to visit you today, but he said no." Ferris continues to say.

I wish I could just hug him.

"Jenna is doing okay. Although she has been acting different lately. It makes me sad because I'm starting to think I did something wrong, you know?" he chuckles to himself.

Jenna is Ferris' girlfriend. She has come by before and she seems really nice. Although I was overwhelmed by jealousy. Ferris was sweet and he would hold her hand. He would open doors for her.

All I could think was, why can't that be me?

A few moments go by and Ponyboy walks back into the room.

"I got you a Coke." Ponyboy tells Ferris handing him a styrofoam cup.

Ferris chuckles. "You didn't have to do that. Thank you though." he takes a sip from the straw.

"I didn't mind. How's Jenna?" Ponyboy asks.

"Oh, she's good. How's Rose." Ferris asks Ponyboy, but without the same enthusiasm as Pony.

"Oh, she's wonderful, man. I still need to ask her to Prom. What are you doing for Jenna?"

"I'm not sure yet. She really likes flashy stuff, so I'm sure she's going to want it in front of everyone." Ferris says looking down at his feet. "I just wish our intimate moments together would stay just between us. I don't like it when she wants to pretend to be a celebrity couple."

Ponyboy lightly laughs. "Yeah, she's a bit extravagant."

"Yeah. Think of anything for Rose?" Ferris asks.

Rose has come by a few more times than Jenna has. I do like Rose more than Jenna. She is a lot sweeter and simple. She matches with Ponyboy very well. I approve.

"I've thought about it. I think I'm just going to ask her in my car and give her some flowers. It's simple, but that's what she likes." Ponyboy says.

"I think she's really going to like that." Ferris then looks down at his watch. "Oh shit. I better get going. I have a date tonight at the Nightly Double with Jenna. You know how she is if I'm late." he chuckles slightly.

"Yeah." Ponyboy returns the laugh. "I better head home too. The guys are going to wonder where I am. Bye Marcie! I love you." Ponyboy gives my body a hug before walking behind Ferris and out the door.

"Bye Marcie." Ferris says before they both close the door and leave.

I was alone once again. However, loneliness is something you get used to.

Although it's always nice to have visitors.

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