Chapter 5 I Did It

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As I was ending my lap around the hospital, I had a lot on my mind.

The first thing on my mind was the fact that Ponyboy may have saw me or sensed me. Maybe he didn't sense me specifically. Maybe I'm shooting too far out of the box. But he definitely felt something. That gives me a little bit of hope. It gives me the hope that I won't be stuck here for all eternity.

The other thing on my mind is that I overheard the doctors. My doctor checked me over after Darry, Ponyboy, and Sodapop left like he normally does. He said that I'm getting stronger and there is hope I'll wake up. It's incredible news. Maybe because I'm filled with so much hope, my physical body is getting stronger. Or maybe the doctor can sense my aura is getting stronger. I do feel strong. I know I'll wake up. I just have to be patient.

I've always been patient.


I can't breathe. Am I okay? Am I suffocating? Wait where am I?

"Hello!" I scream as loud as I can.

No response.

I start to hyperventilate. I don't know where I am. Where's that damn cat.

I just want peace and quiet. I want all the voices in my head to go away. I just want to scream. I start to scream as loud as I can, but no noise comes out. I start sobbing fiercely.

When I open my eyes I see a ceiling that almost represents a school or hospital. I sit up to look at my surroundings. I am in fact in a hospital. I grab my head trying to remember the events prior. I swing my legs over the bed and my feet hit the floor. I don't really feel my feet touching the ground, but I'm here. I'm alive.

A small knock comes from the door. A blonde haired boy walks in followed by a black haired boy. Ponyboy and Sodapop.

Where's Darry?

"Hey guys. What happened? I don't feel the best." I say to my brothers while standing to greet them. I get to Ponyboy first and I wrap my arms around him. He doesn't acknowledge me and goes right through me as if I'm transparent.

"Guys?" I say and turn around to see where they are going. They walk to the bed and lean over to hug a girl on the bed. I walk to the other side of the bed to see who this girl is. As I look closely at the girl, she starts to become familiar.

"Hey Marcie. I don't know if you can hear me, but we love you. You'll be okay." Ponyboy says.

Marcie? Me? That's me in the bed hooked up to all the machines? No. It can't be.

Didn't the cat just show me this? How did I forget?

I look down at my body and find myself transparent. My eyes go wide and I start hyperventilating again.

This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

I sit down on my bed next to my limp body. I need to get back into my body, but I don't know how. I try everything. I try rolling onto my body. It doesn't work. I try laying on top of my body. It doesn't work. I try to jump onto my body. It doesn't work. I keep trying, but nothing is happening. I start crying.

Another small knock comes from the door. A guy comes in with a long white coat on that I can only assume is the doctor.

"Doc, how is she?" Ponyboy jumps up to ask.

"Not looking too good right now. Miss Curtis was hit by a car and has a lot of internal damage. Her mental health is being monitored right now as well, but it's not looking good either. I'm sorry, boys."

"How long will she be like this, doc?" Sodapop asks, his voice breaking.

"A really long while." the doctor says with concern evident in his voice. "I will do everything in my power to bring your sister back. I promise." the doctor says.

He gives Ponyboy and Sodapop a pat on the shoulder and walks away.

"What now, Soda?" Ponyboy asks.

"We wait, Pony. We wait." Sodapop says.

Tears are at the brim of my eyes as I try to get back into my body once more. Again and again I try, but nothing works.

I guess I'll have to be patient. Healing takes time. I will wake up. I refuse to stay like this.


I round the corner to where my room is. I need to meditate and think.

I enter my room only to find Ponyboy sitting next to me. He shouldn't be here. They have a schedule. They come to visit every other day. It's Tuesday. He shouldn't be here.

I look at him puzzled. He seems very distraught and anxious.

Ponyboy takes a deep breath. I must have missed the first part of him talking to me. He continues.

"...I know it's silly. Marcie, if you can hear me, help me feel your presence again. I don't know what you did, but try everything." Ponyboy says.

So he did feel my presence. I knew it!

He wants me to show him I'm here. How do I do that?

"Take your time." Pony says after a moments silence. 

I watch him staring intently at my body waiting for me to do something. I look around the room, but there is nothing I can do to show him me. I walk over to him and stand in front of him. He doesn't seem to react. To him, he doesn't see me. He doesn't see anything at all. I place my hands on his shoulders imagining I can actual feel his shoulders. I imagine I'm gripping his shoulders to wake him up or to annoy him. I smile. Suddenly, he jumps up frightened. He's staring directly at me and he has no idea.

"M-Marcie?" Ponyboy stutters.

I looked at him shocked that he actually felt me touch him. I sigh knowing he won't be able to hear me if I spoke.

"Marcie, is there a way you can show me yourself? Or do something to show me you're here?" Ponyboy asks seeming desperate.

I shake my head no even though I know he can't see me. Maybe I can't physically show myself, but maybe I can do something he'll see. I start walking around the room to see if I can find anything. By the time I reach the door I hear Pony from the other side of the room.

"Okay, okay. Marcie, try moving these flowers I brought you." Ponyboy says with hope.

That's a great idea. I run to the other side of the room past Ponyboy. I reach for the flowers and try to grab them. My fingers run right through them. How do ghosts in movies do this? I keep trying and trying but I'm getting too frustrated.

I take a deep breath and visualize myself grabbing the flowers and throwing them across the room. All my focus is on this one bouquet of flowers. I see the lights flickering through my closed eyelids so I must be doing something right.

In a matter of seconds I grab the flowers and throw them across the room with all my might. The flowers hit the wall and fall down.

I did it.

Ponyboy stands up in shock with his eyes wide. I can tell he is scared, but he has a soft smile tugging at his lips. He knows I'm here. I smile a big smile and look at him tears threatening my eyes.

I did it.

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