Chapter 1-It Starts With A Kiss

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Poppy's POV:


"Are you fucking kidding?" I mumbled drowsily into my pillow, and grabbing my phone off the table. 

"What?" I snapped down the receiver, pushing a lock of long black hair out my face. 

"Well good morning beautiful," Harry sang down the phone. 

"You can't even see me Harry." I sighed, and he laughed. 

"Anyway..." He paused "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" He shouted so loudly, I actually dropped the phone, gingerly I held it back to my ear.

"What?" I asked alarmed, fully awake now. 

"What the hell happened to meeting in starbucks at 11?" He shouted angrily. I looked at my clock... 11:30.

"Oh shit Harry I totally forgot, I mean I didn't set my alarm! Oh my God! Oh my God!" I shouted jumping out bed and running over to put the shower on. 

"I'll be there in like TWO minutes! I promise!" I gabbled hanging up. 

"Ahhh crap!" I cursed trying to shampoo and wash my face at the same time, not a good idea ended up getting both in my eye. Regardless, 15 minutes later I was finally ready in my denim high waisted shorts and some band top I found on the floor and hoped was clean. Makeup was kept minimal due to the incessant texts off Harry asking where I was; bit of black eyeliner, mascara to emphasise my big hazel eyes, I did my eyebrows and applied a slick of peach coloured lip balm. I grabbed my purse, wallet and phone off the side and I swear I have never run so fast in my entire life. Ever. I ran all the way to Starbucks bursting in and breathlessly ordering my usual coffee caramel frappacino with extra cream. Then ordered a croissant for Harry. Picking them up I walked over to where he was sat playing with his phone. 

"Actually, someone's sat there," he said as I made a move to sit down, he looked up at me. "But I don't think they're EVER gonna show so, seriously take a seat!" He said sarcastically glaring at me.

"Harry," I pouted "I said I was sorry! You know I don't do mornings!" 

"No shit," he said sarcastically.

"Hey, I promise you can sleep at mine tonight AND you can choose the side of the bed AND the film AND the pizza toppings... But only if you forgive me." I begged he scowled at me. 

"Fine." He sighed.

I grinned at him in response, sliding the croissant across the table to him which he shoved in his mouth all in one go.

"Attractive." I said rolling my eyes. He smiled his cheeks full like a hamster. 

"Anyway how's things going with the band? You know that WORLD FAMOUS one your in?" I shouted excitedly. 

"Shhh! Jeez, Poppy I do NOT wanna get mauled by fans." He said quietly. I rolled my eyes, knowing he secretly loved the attention the fans gave him. 

"Ok, ok" I say "but really how's it going?" I ask seriously. He swallows the massive mouthful. 

"Its great! Early morning interviews and what not aside its absolutely amazing!"He beamed. I smiled too it was great seeing how far Harry had come since The X Factor. 

"How's Topshop?" He snickered.

"Hahaha!" I laughed sarcastically, and he chuckled. 

"Please come down with me for a day! Please I beg of you!" I pleaded with him. 

"Ha! Could you imagine the mayhem? I should bring the other boys down as well..." I thought about this for a second and the only conclusion I arrived at involved me sneaking out and Harry shamelessly flirting with anyone within breathing space- only Liam I would be able to trust. Seriously. 

"Yeah...On second thoughts, maybe not" I said and we laughed softly. "But come and pick me up tomorrow after work, my shift finishes at 5." I smiled and he nodded 

"The things I do for you," he muttered. I laughed at his tone. 

"Anyway there's an outdoor beer garden we could go to while the weathers still nice?" I say looking outside at the clear blue sky. He looked really tempted. 

"No, let's go to the big tree." He said, the 'Big Tree' was our place... It was in the middle of the woods, just this massive tree that hangs precariously over the river that we had childishly tied swings to and now it was 'ours'. 

"Okay" I smiled grabbing my coffee and heading out.


I screamed loudly, gripping the rope tightly as I swing back and forth high above the river. I look back at Harry with his head thrown back laughing loudly, his dark chestnut curls bouncing with the movement of the swing. As I swung back I dig my heels into the soft dirt and jumped back gracefully off my swing, Harry does the same next to me and we sit down on a rock near the edge, he slings an arm around me and I lean into his shoulder. We sit there in a comfortable silence until he speaks. 

"Do you remember how we how we first met?" He asks randomly. I laughed. 

"Clearly. You swallowed paint in preschool and I took it upon myself to be your nurse. You were an idiot even then" I laugh at the memory. 

"And you were a hoe even then," he says innocently. I nearly shoved him off the rock.

"Shut up" I laughed lightly.

"You know we could play THAT game again." He said jokingly wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Ew. Gross Harry." I mutter shoving him playfully. 

"Actually I seem to remember you were quite the kisser." He winks.

"I probably was." I say in mock modesty. He laughs. 

"But not as good as me." He says in the same tone. "I'm just a pro, one kiss and the girl is hooked." He says. 

"Oh really?" I say sarcastically. 

"Yeah, want me to show you?" He says jokingly. 

"Go on then." I said narrowing my eyes. 

"What really?" He said shocked. 

"Well yeah," I shrugged "if you can't kiss me, who can you kiss right?" 

He thinks about it then shrugs. "Okay" he says rubbing his hands together. 

"Firstly I'll put my hands here.." He says placing his hands on my waist his thumbs fitting perfectly into the groves of my hips. 

"And then I look deep into her eyes." He breathes, I look into his sea green eyes and then I know how the mouse feels when the snake is staring at it with those hypnotising eyes. 

"And then..." He whispers, his minty breath making my feel dizzy. I close my eyes and part my lips gently. His lips graze mine softly barely touching them, I bring my hands to his shoulders. He smiled then crushed his lips onto mine, our lips move softly, sweetly and my fingers play with his now world famous curls. His tongue traces my lower lip questioningly, I open my mouth wider in response and... Its not all that bad once you get passed the initial horror, actually quite nice. After about a minute we break off and I find that I'm actually breathing a little heavier. 

"Not bad." I say trying to stop the roaring in my ears. 

"Not bad?" He scoffs, and I laugh feeling my senses return to normal. 

"I reckon I've had better..." I say slowly. He looks at me eyebrows raised. 

"Challenge accepted." He says, I roll my eyes. 

"First one out the woods gets a free beer?" I grin and he laughs and he grins leaping up and sprinting down the dirt track. 

"OI!" I yell running after him. "Cheat!" But he just laughs pulling ahead of me. ********

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