Chapter 5

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Poppy's POV:

This house feels so dead without Harry in it. I stare at the walls, the silence deafening me. I sighed heavily, contemplating what to do... I walked into our bedroom and was immediately startled by the extravagant pink box with a huge bow placed in the centre of our bed. There was a note cello taped to the side with Harry's messy scrawl on the front. I smiled walking over slowly and tearing it away gently.

Hello baby, I miss you so much already. I can't believe I have to miss your birthday. I'm sorry. I've left you something though that I hope will at least stop you from missing me as much. I love you, Harry x

I smiled sadly tears forming in my eyes as I realised how lonely my birthday would be as well... Jeez, I really need to make some friends. Anyway I tugged the edge of the bow and the whole thing peeled away softly away, leaving a bare cardboard box behind. I frowned, tucking my legs under me, as I pulled the lid of slowly.

"Oh my God," I breathed crying all over again as I looked at the most adorable sleeping puppy I have ever seen, as one of my tears splashed onto its fluffy white coat it looked up startled its black eyes fixing onto mine lovingly.

"Hello gorgeous," I whispered picking her up, my fingers melting into the soft fur. She gave a high pitched yap and licked my face. I giggled, and looked back in the box where a pale blue tiffany's dog collar was resting in the bottom. I grinned picking it up slowly, the little silver bell tinkling softly. The heart shaped silver read 'Bo' in fancy curly writing underneath the Tiffany and co emblem, on the back was my name and our address with Harry's telephone number. I smiled as I buckled her collar on kissing her softly.

"Hello Bo," I whispered, grinning as I nuzzled my nose gently against hers.


"Little bo peep lost her sheep, and didn't know where to find them," I sang softly, stroking Bo. I had already been out and spoiled her absolutely rotten. She was definitely going to be a diva. Just like her uncle Louis... I giggled a little as I continued to stroke her and sing, her little eyes started to close softly and her breathing got a little heavier. I sighed happily as I pulled myself up onto the couch, reaching over to grab this months issue of cosmopolitan magazine, not really reading it, just flicking through the pages listlessly. Until one headline grabbed my eye, sprawled across the page in bright fuchia was 'How to get your dream job' I stared at the page blankly as the realisation hit me. I'd never had a job. Well... I'd worked part time in hollister but I've never had a real job. I stood up suddenly sending the magazine flying across the room, waking Bo up, who barked lightly in complaint. I grinned happily as I sunk back down on the floor stroking her soft stomach, and contemplating tomorrows activities.


"Miss Kensington?" The cool, clipped voice called out making me start. I stood up nervously giving my outfit a quick once over. I was in black high waisted shorts and a bright red flowing top, with my louboutins and my hair pulled back in a loose ponytail with Zayn's glasses resting lightly on my nose. The cool, clipboard woman smiles at me 'reassuringly' but honestly it reminds me more of the way a crocodile smiles at the fishies rather than the mother hen figure she was aiming for. She led me to a wide oak door that had been polished to high shine with a gold plaque on the front which gleamed brightly reflecting my nervous face back at me.

"Thanks," I said to clipboard woman who nodded with a tight lipped expression, before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor. I forced a breezy smile onto my face as I pushed the door open. A tall elegant looking woman rose up gently from behind the shiny mahogany desk, smiling softly as she extended her long heavily ringed fingers.

"Hello you must be Poppy," she breathed, a soft smile gracing her glossy lips as her expensive looking bracelets clinked together lightly as she we shook hands gently, her hand was soft and papery and held my own in a feather light grip.

"Hi, yeah I am... Your Louise Court, right?" I smiled as she motioned for me to sit down in one of the plush, over stuffed leather chairs in front of the desk.

"Right you are," she smiles taking her own seat. "Drink?" She asks lightly raising her eyebrows at the golden liquid in the cut glass decanter. I shake my head.

"No thank you," I say with a polite smile.

"Oh, I don't mean that!" Louise laughs waving a hand at the decanter and classy looking glasses. "That stuff is vile! Simply for show! I mean this," she says pulling out a bottle of red wine, two wine glasses and a pitcher of ice. I smile.

"It seems you have already found my weakness," I say with a little laugh as she hands me a glass.

"You like this stuff too? My last PA wouldn't touch the stuff said it put her off 'the call of duty' Lord, she was so boring!" Louise said rolling her eyes as she put on a deep voice, laughing. I chuckled softly as I dropped a handful of ice into my glass letting the clear crystal cubes slide around before settling, as I poured the burgundy coloured wine over it all.

"Well, I can assure you. I am not boring." I said with a cheeky smile as I took a sip of my wine. Louise giggled holding up her glass for me to clink mine against.

"You know, I think we' d get along just fine me and you,Poppy... Just fine" she said smiling as she brought the glass back to her lips, I smiled trying to mask my triumphant smirk as I took a delicate sip.


So Poppy has a job now? Well then... AND A PUPPY! Dow... I want a puppy. Mum says I can't have one:( so sad... Anyway will update the next chapter soon because this one is ridiculously short! Sorry! F x

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