Minecraft Club Adventures (Sign Up)

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Hello! Twilight here!

Anywhoozies, if you've been reading my book, 'Frozen Club' you have probably noticed that every now and then I do a 'Frozen Fans Adventures' thingie. Well, guess what?

I'm doing it here, too!

So, here you can sign up if you want me to put you in it! Remember, this is optional, and ONLY club members are allowed! Sorry!

If you want to sign up, there is ONE thing that you must do for me!

You must PM me any ideas that I should, (and will) include in the chapter! If you don't do this, I will NOT include you in the chapter! : ( I mean, the idea could be as simple as a creeper blowing someone up!!! You get what I mean. Also, don't comment you're ideas! We want everyone to not expect the unexpected!

Here is the sign-up area!

Isabella the witch








More random lines...



You don't need to give in any ideas if you haven't already done so. This is optional.

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