Where your first date is

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Laurence: He took you on a picnic by a waterfall with food that he cooked so of course it was delicious!

Garroth: Garroth had taken you to the zoo because he heard from someone that you liked animals!

Vylad: Vylad had taken you to a F/A/B(favorite artist or band) concert!

Zane: He had taken you to the park where you two had gotten ice cream and played with children!(you also made him a flower crown!!!)

Gene: He took you to an amusement park where you two went on scary rides and all of the other fun things!

Travis: He decided to be cliche and take you to the movie theater! He also didn't warn you that you too were gonna watch a scary movie!

This song has nothing to do with this chapter I just couldn't find a song for this.... Comment what you want next and until then make sure to say weewoooooooo!!!!

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