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So I'm on a trip and have enough time to finish this chapter. I've been in traffic for almost an hour and pfft I hate it. If traffic isn't a pain in the ass I'll have 3 hours left so let's get this started. 💛

That was a month ago almost and I never uploaded. I'm so sorry. I visited my friend and it was amazing and I was so excited and happy that all I could do is dream. Now I'm having some free time so let's get this finished! 😁💛

Meredith had to stay home, Ellis insisted on that. It surprised Meredith, Ellis actually cared for once..? It was something Meredith wasn't interested in. She'll turn her back soon.

Ellis walks in her room slowly. "Come Meredith.. it's time to try to go to school again.."

"Oh.. I can finally go back to school??" Meredith says with a smile. She missed it, weird huh? Well sitting home isn't always fun.

"Yeah.. you have enough time to get ready.." she sighs and walks out.

Meredith quickly dressed up. She care it was school, she stayed home for 3 months because Ellis didn't want her to "her hurt again by those girls". Well, then they can hurt me, I have Derek.

He recently started texting her and asking when Shed come to school. He was excited to see her again, but he didn't know when, so she decided to just surprise him.

After getting ready, she made her way down, Ellis waiting in the car already. She grabbed her bag and got in the car. "Thanks for bringing me.."

"No problem.. " she says with a smile and backs out the drive way.

"Why.. are you suddenly so nice.. what happened.." Ellis sighs and keeps driving, looking at Meredith for a second.

"When your dad and I had you.. everything kinda changed. He started coming less, you cried more. It was all too much. Because I was stressed, you started feeling it too, you kept crying. Day in day out. I tried everything. At some point I just gave you away to someone for a few months. They said you were calm again, but the second you came home again, the crying started again.. Then.. you hit the age you could go to daycare. Well I dropped you off and worked again. The only problem was, you were so untrained and clumsy and sick all the time that every surgery I had that I got pulled out of and had to take care of you. I had no life left, all I had was to take care of you.." She takes a deep breath again and looks at the road.

"Then one day I called your dad saying if he didn't come home to take care of you.. I'd kill you. I.. was so messed up and depressed. I wanted to just.. be free for a second.. Your dad of course showed up and started taking care of you. I took advantage and started working again.. longer and longer. I sometimes didn't come home for days. I'd sometimes come home and when I left you couldn't walk to the closet and then suddenly you could walk to the kitchen and back.."

"Your dad and I fought a lot then. It was unbearable.. Every time I came home.. I stayed away longer.. Richard saw it and immediately took action. He cared for me.. He cared for you a lot too when Tatcher had to leave. He was the perfect guy.. Except we were both still married, we started to get in a relationship. We were in love.. I stayed away even longer.. Missed birthdays.. Missed every family moment. Everything. I just wanted to be with him. When I did come home.. I wasn't even happy for the fact you aged already, coloring already.. playing with everything you saw.. talking and dancing.. I just didn't care anymore.. I remember one birthday that you were sad I didn't get anything. I was so angry, I was so angry for no reason.. I just had enough. But I couldn't leave. The mother part in me had to stay.."

"That day I got you a Judy doll. You loved it and gave me a hug. I didn't want it, you noticed and just walked away. Not even a sign of emotion. You were so used to it.. I don't get why I was like that.. You just didn't have any emotion.. Then.. You suddenly were at the hospital, all alone. A nurse paged me. You were around 5 then. You were sitting in the chairs and you simply just said, Daddy said he didn't want us anymore so I had to come here. I was so furious and angered that I had to take care of you again.. I.. hated you. Day in day out with you again.. till this week. I don't.. when I saw your bruises, it hit me. I thought that was me doing that to you, you were so scared of me.. I am your mother, and you were scared of me. Then I knew I fucked up your whole childhood.. That I hurt you for a life time.. I couldn't handle it anymore and.. changed. And now we are here.. I want to.. make new memories. I can't change the fact of who I was before.. I can't change the past.. I can't explain fully why I hated you so much.."

By the time she ended, Meredith was dead silent. Most of the things were so new to her. So many questions roamed through her head. "Oh.." that's all she could say.

Ellis sighed again, "Ask me what you want Meredith.. I know you have a few.."

"What.. yeah.. happened with you and Richard..?"

"He's.. in Boston.. with his wife. He loved her more."

"Oh.." She didn't know what to say anymore. All the questions she had disappeared. She had no clue what to say. She never had these moments with her mom. It was always hate or yelling. Never this.

She suddenly stops the car. "We are at school.. See you tonight.." She says softly.

Meredith smiles a bit and gets out with her bag. "Bye mom.. mommy." She waves softly and walks inside.

She takes a deep breath. That was a lot of information, she didn't care tho. She wanted to know and now she had it.

She forgot what she was going to do again, until she sees him leaning on his locker, all alone. Since that Addison and him broke up, he lost his popularity and is being called a cheater. But what did he care? She could notice it immediately by the way he stood there so relaxing.

She walks up to him and wraps her arm around him slowly. He shocks a bit before turning around, taking a second before smiling widely. "Meredith!" He hugs her softly and she giggles.

"Surprise.." She lets go slowly and smiles.

To be honest.. Meredith doesn't know what they 2 are. He visited over the few months a lot and all they did was hang out and sharing a few kisses. She enjoyed it a lot and wanted to start something with him, but he may not be ready. He may not feel the way she does or that strong to start something serious.

Derek smiles, damn that smile she thinks. "I filled in the books you had to fill in. I put some flash cards in it of the lessons and if you want to have some notes too I can always send it to you.."

"Thanks," She smiles widely, realizing how much he actually cares. "I'll check them tonight. But first I have to go and talk to the teachers to talk about the tests I have to make and when." He nods and gives a kiss on her head, of course she blushes. And of course, a teacher sees them.

"Meredith.." The teacher says. "I rather have you ask us about the tests while you were gone and not being all mushy in the hallways, thank you."

"Sorry," She says, she looks at Derek for a second and smiles, before grabbing her back and following the teacher.

Oof it's late, but I wanted to finish this before I keep you guys waiting longer! Eat will be updated later, due to I'm way to tired. Or maybe tonight still but I have a lot of things planned tomorrow still so! Hope you have an amazing day/night.

-Lizzie, just kidding my real name is Laura 👏🏻💛

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