Sweet Dreams

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Before I could say anything back to him, I heard Camila call my name and then grabbed my arm and rushed us into room 213. We made it just in time and took our seats in the middle of the room.

"Lili, what happened back there? We were almost gonna be late." Camila told me and I turned to look at her.

"I saw him, Camila. The guy from Saturday." I said with a smile.

"Oh my god, really!" She said shocked.

"He's actually really cute when you look at him up close," I said laughing.

"OoOoO. It looks like someone likes Mr. Cutie" Camila said playing around and I blushed.

"What? You can't blame him for being cute." I replied.

"You should talk to him," Camila said.

"And how do you think I'm gonna find him?" I asked her.

"I don't know, but I guarantee you this" Camila said," You're gonna see him again," She said and we both laughed.

"We'll see about that," I said. Then our teacher began talking. Homeroom was pretty chill. Our teacher, Mrs. Montgomery talked about college. My schedule was pretty good. My schedule was:

~ Homeroom: Room 213

~ Math: Room 112

~ Nutrition: Cafeteria

~ Chemistry: Room 204

~ P.E.: Outside

~ Lunch: Cafeteria

~ History: Room 210

~ English: Room 110

Camila and I always get good grades cause everything seems easy to us. I don't know why but it does. Then Homeroom was over and on we went to Math (My favorite subject). The class was studying Trigonometry. I already learned the basics at my old school so it was kind of easy. So far everything was exciting. Then it was Nutrition.

"Finally. A break" I said as we walked to the cafeteria.

"Yup," Camila said.

When we walked into the cafeteria, we looked around to find the line and saw it on the other side of the room. We got our food and looked around for a table. We found one near the middle so we went and sat down. Camila and I talked about what we think we are gonna learn in our next classes. Then someone sat down in front of us and I froze.

"Hello, you guys are new here right?" the guy that I bumped into said.

"Yea. I'm Camila" Camila said.

"I'm Cole" He replied.

"I'm Lili," I said and Cole looked at me.

"Yea, I've seen you before. Twice actually" He said and we all laughed. I was getting comfortable around him and he was really nice.

From talking to him, I found out that his best friend, Archie, is on vacation at Hawaii and he's coming back on Wednesday so he decided to hang out with us. Also, he is in the yearbook club. Then we started talking about our schedules. I found out that he has Chemistry, P.E., and English with us. 

Then the bell rang and we all walked to Chemistry. Camila and I sat together and Cole sat behind me. I blushed slightly when Camila noticed this and she smiled at me.

After Chemistry and P.E., We walked to Lunch and continued our conversation from Nutrition. Camila and I told Cole about us moving to California. He found it interesting and he told us some more about himself and his family.

After Lunch and History, we finally made it to our last period. We entered the class and sat the same way that we did in Chemistry with Camila next to me and Cole behind me.

During the class, Cole touched my right arm and I turned around a little. Then he gave me a little note and I turned around. I opened the note and it said: "If you ever get bored, just call" and his phone number under it. I closed it and smiled. I slid it into my pencil bag and focused back on the teacher. 

When class ended, we got up and headed out the door.

"Bye, it was nice meeting you guys," Cole said once we were outside.

"Bye, it was nice meeting you too," I said.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Camila said to him.

"Ok." He said, smiled at me and walked away.

"This is probably the best first day for me," I said to Camila as we both looked at Cole walk away.

"And you finally talked to him" Camila nudged me and I turned to her.

"Yeah. He's really sweet." I said looking at Camila.

Then a car honked behind us and it was my mom. We went inside and told her about our day. About Cole. When we got home, Camila and I relaxed and just talked until it was time for her to leave at 8 pm. I walked her home and then came back home. I took a shower, said goodnight to my mom and went to my room. I opened my backpack and got the note that Cole gave me. I laid on my bed and texted him.

Me: Hey

One minute later...

Cole: Hey. Wyd?

Me: About to go to sleep. Wbu?

Cole: Working on some yearbook stuff and then to sleep.

Me: Cool. Is it fun?

Cole: Yeah. I really like taking pictures so I joined. You should join. It'll be fun.

Me: Oh idk I'm probably not gonna be as good as you.

Cole: You don't need to just take pictures. There are other jobs like editing and fixing the yearbook. Just try it out and if you don't like it then you can quit ok?

Me: Ok.

Cole: Ok. Wanna join tomorrow?

Me: Sure

Cole: Ok. I'm gonna go so you can sleep now, ok?

Me: Ok, Good night

Cole: Sweet dreams

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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