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"Leaf attack!" Keith yelled, throwing leafs at Pidge. She gasped and began to throw some at him.
"Your help with this would be nice Keith." Shiro said leaning against his rake.
"Sorry!" He said going back over to Shiro. Pidge followed behind him.
"Need any help?" She said. He thought for a second.
"Yes." He said smiling.
"Oh no." She said worried. Keith raked all the leafs he could into a pile and threw the rake down.
"I'll be back in a second." He said running inside. Pidge turned to Shiro and just shrugged. He came running back out with his camera.
"No! No picture of me!" She said.
"Come on Kat! I need a model." She rolled her eyes.
"What do you need me to do?" She said in a condescending voice.
"Just throw some of the leafs." He said to her. She threw them in his face. "Now I know you know that's not what I meant." She chuckled and threw more leafs. He kept getting pictures of her just playing a bit in the leafs.
"There! Okay we're done!" He said. She walked over to see the pictures he took.
"So this is for..?" She asked him.
"Well these are for my classes," he said scrolling through a few different shots, "and these are for me." He said pointing at different ones. Pidge rolled her eyes.
"Stop being all sappy." She said.
"Ahem!" They heard. "Keith. Leafs. Rake. Now preferably." Shiro said. Keith put down his camera and got back to work. Pidge picked it up and took a few pictures of Keith raking.
"What are you doing?" He asked her. She showed him the photos.
"These are for me!"

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