Lame party, right?

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Dan never liked party settings, it simply reminded him of how alone he was. He felt the sinking feeling in his stomach deepened.

He had gotten in Chris's car earlier under the pretenses they were going to see a film but instead he dragged him here... Why here? Dan would rather be anywhere else but here...and now that he was here, he was alone. Chris after a measly thirty five minutes had already led a girl into a guest bedroom; Thus leaving his friend in a house full of strangers and with no ride home.

Dan sipped his Ribena quietly while being bombarded by the heavy scent of smoke and the sound of the blaring speakers. Resting on the far end of an already crowded sofa pretending to be doing something remotely important on his phone to avoid human interaction.

Chris wouldn't last that long right? He thought chuckling to himself longing to be in his sofa crease. A girl with bright yellow hair and a wobbly drunken stance wearing next to nothing stumbled towards him. The next thing he knew she had fallen into his lap and grabbed onto his shoulders...Fuck.

She slurred her words as she spoke into Dan's ear, her voice laced with intoxicated lust. Dan could only make an uncomfortable groan and attempted to push her off to try and stand up only catching parts of her rambling. The more she spoke and lightly shifted on his lap the more anxious dan was to leave.

Drunk and desperate was not a becoming combination on anyone.

"You're Dan right? What the chances of me falling for a local celebrity huh?"
"I'm not wearing any pants under this dress"
"I'm not even that drunk we can totally take this somewhere else.."

He could only retort "I'm not interested" continually pushing her further away from him.

"Oh but baby you don't mean that do you?" She clung tighter to him, her lips came dangerously close to Dans face.

"Hey, Hands off my boyfriend" The voice growled from a few feet away.

"Dan doesn't have a boyfriend, on YouTube he said-" The stranger pulled the girl by the back of her dress and led her away from Dans lap. He held Dan by his shirt collar and pulled him up from the couch until their mouths collided in a heated kiss.

Her cheeks turned violently red and she stumbled away, not that Dan noticed.

Dan yelped as he felt the contact and gave up half heartedly trying to pull away, allowing the kiss to deepen.

He smelt like summer rain and raspberries, he could taste the vodka on his lips and let his fingers explore his head of jet black hair. The strangers tongue danced on his lips and clouded his mind. He felt a hand snake around his waist and he gasped at the unexpected touch, the mans lips left his.

Dan looked up with a bewildered expression and lust blown pupils at the dark haired man. Their lips were slicked wet with saliva and both of them were slightly breathless.

"She won't bother you again after that" he chuckled lightly looking into dans eyes allowing the corners of his mouth to turn up into a smirk to rival all others.

"I'm Phil by the way" he held out his hand in an attempt to initiate a handshake like they hadn't just exchanged saliva.

"Uh Hello, my name is..Dan"
"I know-I mean I uh watch your videos..sometimes" Dan was the same color as his drink...deep red.

Phil dropped his hand and scratched the back of his head preparing himself for a response.

"What just happened?" Dan stared blankly.

"I uh thought you'd want some help getting rid of the ...unwanted company? Public displays of affection make other people uncomfortable..sorry.."

"I uh um thanks?" Dan studied Phil's unique face just in case he never saw him again. He had wide bright blue eyes paired with high cheekbones, pale alabaster skin and soft lips that Dan would remember the taste of. He would be lying if he said he wasn't turned on and severely flustered.

"You're beautiful." Dan breathed, half to himself, eliciting a laugh from Phil who returned "and you're drunk based on that statement."

He looked bashfully at the ground "actually I'm not..." he shuffled his shoes nervously.

"what a lame party right? Not even slightly tipsy"
"yeah it must be if you're sober past 2 am"
"I don't even see food, and that's the only reason to leave the house" Phil giggled as Dan complained about how bad the party was in the most adorable way possible.

They bantered for what couldn't have been more than 20 minutes.

Chris emerged from the bedroom visibly disheveled and slightly sweaty. He pulled a shirt over his head and make his way over to where Dan and Phil were talking, still stood in the same place.

"Hey, Dan! I see you've met the host." All of the color drained from Dan's face.

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