Chapter 12

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The next day, I ignored Kenna. If she really wanted to be my friend, she wouldn't have agreed with Holly. I was in Chemistry now, Mickey was working on some worksheet the teacher passed out. I have talked to her since the day she told me she was Michael's sister. We usually talk about bands. I'm not complaining though, I love bands. She handed me her sheet for me copy. I took it and copied her answers.

"So you've been hanging with Michael a lot." she said picking at her nails.

"Yeah, he's a cool guy." I said smiling.

"He thinks you're cool too." she said. I just smiled and nodded my head, finishing the paper. "He told about our parents." she said taking her paper since I was done.

"Yeah." I said fumbling with my braid.

"Did he say how they died?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No, he just said they, um died."

"He trusts you." she said looking at me.

"I trust him." I said looking at her with a small smile.

"You shouldn't." she said. The bell rang, and she rushed out of the classroom. I sat there confused. I got up, grabbed my bag and rushed after her, but I bumped into someone.

"Scarlett I'm really sorry about-"

"Not now Kenna." I said pushing past her. "Mickey, what are you talking about?" I asked her once I caught up to her.

"Don't trust Michael." she said looking ahead of her.

"Why? Why can't I trust him?" I asked. She was making me very confused and a little scared.

"You'll find out yourself." she said walking a little faster. I stopped walking.

"You can't just say that and walk away!" I yelled. I couldn't see her anymore and people were looking at me.

"Hey Scarlett, you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to my right to see Luke standing beside me.


"Yeah, I'm fine." I said and began walking again.

"Don't listen to her." he said fixing the tie around his neck that we were required to wear.


"Mickey, don't listen to her. She has this grudge against Michael. It's nothing. Michael is a good guy. Well, not as good as me but whatever." he said nudging my shoulder with his. I smiled and nudged him back. We got to the cafeteria, and grabbed our lunches. Luke said bye and walked over to his table. I stood there and looked at mine. Collin and Paige were cuddling, Ashton and Kenna were whispering things to each other giggling, and Calum had his arm over Holly. If i were to go over there, I'd have no one. I'd be a bother to them. I sighed, letting a tear run down my cheek and walked away. I'll eat in the bathroom.

More like cry.

"Scarlett Evans" Michael yelled. I looked over to his table where Luke went to. I wiped the other tears that had fallen. He waved his hand for me to come over to him. I looked at Mickey, she shook her head. Ariana and Luke had big smiles on their faces, also waving me over to them. I took one last glance at 'my' table, then walked over to them. They cheered and Michael patted the spot next to him. I set my tray down and sat next him. He put his arm around my waist, and pulled me closer to him. I stiffened a little. Collin was could see us at any given time. I guess Michael noticed me stiffen because he kissed my head, causing me to blush and bow my head.

"It's okay. He won't bother us." he said squeezed my side. I nodded my head and looked up. "And whatever you were crying about is probably nothing okay? Don't cry." he whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. I looked up at him and smiled.

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