Chapter 23

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(A/N:  apologize in advance)

Things were calm with Michael now. We were lying on his bed watching some cartoon that he had turned on. The dolphin that he gave to me was tucked under my arm while the other one was draped over Michael's chest. He was rubbing my hip under the shirt I had on and it was very relaxing.

I turned my head toward the television and tried to pay attention to what was on it. A commercial about Micky Mouse came on, I had the urge to talk about Micky with Michael. His sister, not the mouse.

"Hey Mikey." I said, still looking at the screen.

"Yeah babe?"

"Have you talked to your sister lately?" I asked. I could feel him stiffen then relax. He didn't reply for a while and I thought he wasn't going to.

"No, I haven't. Have you?" He asked shifting a little.

"No, I was just wondering if you know, you two were like okay." I said looking at him. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a frown on his face.

"Oh, uh no. She's been with Luke and if you haven't noticed by now, Luke and I aren't on speaking terms." He said. Now could be the time to tell him about Luke and I hanging out. It could either go two ways. 1) We can talk about it and we can be mature about it, or 2) We can scream and fight resulting in one of us leaving. I'm leaning towards the first option but we all know that will never happen. I'm praying for the best out of this conversation.

"Yeah I've noticed." I said quietly. He sat, making me sit up too.

"Why are you asking?" He asked looking at me.

"No reason I was just wondering. I mean she's your sister, you guys should have some type of relationship." I said, fiddling with the blanket.

"We don't have a relationship, all we do is fight so why should we try and talk. It'll turn into a fight." he said.

"Oh, um you can try and not fight? Like try and have a civilized conversation without the screaming." I said.

"Leave it Scar its none of your business. Stop worrying about me." He snapped at me.

"I was just trying to help. Sorry for caring." I said. I jumped off the bed, the dolphin still in my hand, I walked into the kitchen. I didn't want to fight when we just got over one. I opened the fridge and got out a bottle of water. I just wanted to help and he snapped at me for no reason. He could've told me to drop it nicer, but nope. He's Michael Clifford. I heard my phone ring so walked back into the room. I seen Michael holding my phone with his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw was clenched. I grabbed my phone from his hands and saw who was calling.


"Luke, hey whats up."

"I was just calling to talk about the details of when we're hanging out. You know like where and what time." he said.

"Oh, um we can meet up at the park over here at like three."

"Okay, see you then Little Bit." He said.

"See you Luke." I said. I hung up and turned to look at Michael. His face was red, and his fists and jaw were clenched tightly.

"What was that?" He asked rather calmly. It was actually really scary. He looked...scary, and for his voice to sound like that is frightening.

"Um, Luke and I are going to hang out." I said just as calm. My voice quivered a little, but it didn't show that I was scared. Well, I hope it didn't.

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