chapter 2

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Hey this chapter might be a little depressing enjoy cx


The next morning

   Harry opens his eyes and the first thing he' expecting to see is Louis but instead it's Niall. "What the fuck are you doing here mate?". "I just wanted to stop by and say hey to your face not your cock. Cover that shit up man" "fuck off you're in my house". Harry got up out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "Where's Lou?" Harry asks while putting toothpaste on his orange toothbrush. "He went to go fetch us breakfast." Niall answers back, until he gets back wanna play some games.


   "No, you can play I'm gonna take a shower mate.". "Alright ."

   As the warm water was trickling down Harry's body, he was thinking about last night,about how...amazing it felt to be wrapped around Louis' toned,tan body.

  As Harry's walking down the stairs he see's Louis,Liam,Zayn and Niall all playing the game. "Good morning love." Louis says to Harry as he starts walking in his direction. "Can I talk to you upstairs for a minute?". "Of course." Harry replied.

They walk up stairs and go to the bedroom. "Harry I haven't been feeling so well, I think I have to go to the doctor and see what's wrong with me.". "Well I hope it's nothing big love.". Louis places a kiss on Harry's cheek and both the boys walk back downstairs.

   "Liam...Zayn...would you guys like to join me for a drive?". Louis asked the two boys. They both agreed, the boys left the house.

   Louis' car 3:30 pm

   "So were are we going Lou?" asked Zayn. "To the hospital, I haven't been feeling well for the last couple weeks." "Well let's hope it's not something horrible mate.". They arrive at the hospital and walk up to the woman at the front desk. "Hi, Tomlinson 4:00 appointment." Louis says to her. "Go down the hall and it's the second door on your right sweety." "Thanks love."


   Louis and the two other boys walk down the hall find the room that Louis was assigned to. After 5 minutes of waiting the doctor finally walks into the room. "Hello Louis i'm doctor Harris, what seems to be the problem here?", "Well, doc I've had a sharp pain in my stomach for about 2 weeks and recently coughed up blood. Can you tell me what's wrong with me?". The doctor had a confused look on his face. "Sure ok, let me hear your heart beat." The doctor pulls out his stethoscope and places the ice cold metal part on Louis' chest. "Heart rate seems normal, breath into this for me." Louis breaths into the thing. "Alrigt Mr.Tomlinson , i'll be back shortly with your test results."

Louis and the two other boys sat in the room chatting for a while then the doctor walks back in with the test results. "Louis...i'm sorry to tell you this, but you have...cancer.".

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