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Z A Y N . M A L I K .


"Get out." The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them. He sees the Sub, who's name is apparently "Javier after my Grandfather.", start to scowl.

Javier starts to stand from where he was kneeling on a cushion in front of where Zayn had previously been.

He glares at Zayn, anger and hurt mixing together in his dark blue eyes. 

"All I said was that I enjoyed our time together!" Javier exclaimed.

"Get the hell out of my house!" Zayn shouted angrily.

When Javier didn't move, Zayn took his clothes from the nearby cubby and threw it at him. He started to push him towards the door.

"I told you to get the fuck out." Zayn's brown eyes were slanted and cold. Javier couldn't help his shiver.

Javier looked at his now supposedly old Dom and smiled a fake smile.

"You'll fucking reap what you sow, asshole."

Zayn scoffed and locked the door as Javier went. Zayn went to the patio and reached inside his pocket. Moments later he was relaxed and foggy from the weed. He thought about what had just occured and couldnt help small laugh that flew out of his mouth.

He got out his phone and waited for the ringing to stop.

"Yeah, mate? Done with my place for the day?"

"Lou, he wanted to date me. I told him to bugger off."

He can hear Louis laughing on the phone. He snorts, before realizing Louis is talking. 


"You fool, you probably haven't a clue of what I'm talking about."

As usual, he's correct but Zayn tries to guess anyway.

"Um, Javier?"

"Jesus Christ. Are you high right now? You couldn't have even waited for your old bub?"

Zayn laughs.

"Funny joke, Lou."

A sniff is heard over the phone. Suddenly Louis yelps and starts muttering about "Stupid teenagers with stupid curls who run into people." Before Zayn can ask about what just happend, Louis starts talking to him again.

"Whateves. Just remember to go see your mother in the morning."

Zayn yawns before nodding. He's glad Louis knows him so well because he hear's a "Bye, mate." before the call is over.

He lights out the stick of weed and throws it away in the trashcan before going over to the couch. As soon as he hits the furniture, he's out like a light.

H A R R Y . S T Y L E S .


He turns the corner, almost runs into a guy with pretty blue eyes and blond hair talking on the phone, and bolts. He can hear the guy muttering, probably cursing him out, and he hurries along.

He runs until he reaches the familiar apartment. He runs up the steps and knocks on the door. 

Room E34

The door opens and Harry barely manages to smile when he's met with a shocked look.


The person who opens the door gives him a once over before opening his arms. Harry barely stops himself from running into them. Instead, he walks and buries himself in his scent. His eyes ache and he wants life to go back to normal. The way it was back before he made the dumbest choice he could ever make.

"Liam, I've messed up so bad."

Liam sighs before running a hand through his hair and closing the door with the other. 

"It's alright lad. I've got you." 

Harry nods before closing his eyes, finally feeling safe. He doesn't open them again.

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