Chapter Two

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When I open my eyes, it's raining pretty hard outside and the sky is gloomy. I look at the time. 10:09.
    "Ah, you're awake!" Daphne walks out of the bathroom wearing a towel around her person and drying her hair with another towel.
    "How long was I asleep for?" I ask and Daphne wraps the towel she was drying her hair with around her neck.
    "About eighteen hours." She laughs. "You sure slept longer than Midnight, that's for sure."
    Is that even humanly possible?
    "Dr. Hong said not to worry about it," Daphne says, seeing my panicked expression no doubt. "He said it's normal from all the exhaustion your body went through that you'd want to catch up on as much rest as possible."
    "I see." I sigh in relief. The last thing I need is to go back for some brain damage or something.
    "But, I have work so you'll be home alone today," Daphne walks over. "Are you gonna miss me?" She leans over, her breasts still wet from the shower. I can smell vanilla and cinnamon on her and feel my face turn red.
    "Get the hell away from me, Daphne!" I scramble out of the blanket I was in and fall on the floor. I hear her laugh from behind the couch.
    "Man, you're so freaking cute!" She laughs. "It's hard not to tease you!"
    "Yeah, real funny." I murmur and get back up from the bed. That really hurt my ribs. Oh well, as long as nothing breaks. I try to fold the blanket as neatly as possible but it's hard to raise my arms up without my ribs aching.
    "Oh, don't worry about making a mess," Daphne says and I'm shocked at her clothes. She wears a business suit with nice pumps and has her hair tied in a tight, low bun. She's even wearing glasses.
    "I didn't realize you needed glasses." I state and it catches her off guard, like she forgot she was wearing them. She touches the glasses on her face as if reminding herself she had them and then laughs.
    "Oh, these old things?" she asks. "It's only to help me drive."
    "Oh, that makes sense." I pause.
"Wait, what!" I exclaim and she laughs.
    "Kidding! Geez, learn to take a joke." Daphne pats my shoulder and walks to the kitchen. "I left some food out for you so you wouldn't need to cook anything. I hope you like it." Daphne points to the fridge. "I also have leftovers from dinner since you were knocked out, I figured I'd save you some."
    "Thanks, Daphne." I smile a little. "You didn't have to go through all that trouble.
    "Well, I can't have my phone on me today since I'll be in meetings all day so I figured it would be better if I left everything at a good level where you couldn't hurt yourself."
    And she's still making fun of me.
    "Yeah, well, thanks." I pout and she laughs.
    "I'll be back late so don't wait up. See ya," she says with a wave and locks the door behind her. It's weird, being alone now. Not having that loud mouth talking.
    But the company was nice.
    "Meow." I hear Midnight call out to me and I look at it. She never did tell me if the cat was a boy or girl.
    "Yeah, I guess it's just you and me cat." I say more to myself and plop on the couch. My throat still hurts from that day so eating isn't really on my mind but I know I'll need to eat later. For now, I'll just close my eyes and rest.


    'Hey there, pretty lady.' A man with a black hoodie and blue jeans approaches me like a predator stalking its prey.
    'What do you want?' I demand but my voice quivers and betrays my attempt to sound unafraid.
    'Nothing special,' he says with a maniacal grin. 'Just your life.' he lunges for me as I turn to spin around and run. I scream when I feel my hair being pulled and thrown to the ground.
My head is spinning, trying to regain consciousness. Suddenly, I feel a blow to the ribs and when I look up, through teary eyes, that smile comes again, standing over me and when I try turning away from him, I feel another blow to the ribs and scream.
"Shut up!" He smacks my face and I lay on my back. I feel a pool of something warm under my head. "You really are loud."
His grimy, dirty sausage fingers grip around my throat, suffocating me and depriving me of air. His eyes were bloodshot and his smile grew larger and larger.
I kicked, I punched. I tried pushing his hands off my neck. He tightens his grip on my neck and a bright light shines over my head.
"Damn." He mutters and hurries to take my things. I feel each of my belongings being stripped away from me like flesh from the bone.
"Why?" I croak as tears fall down the sides of my face.
"Nothin' personal, lady." He mutters and grabs the last of my belongings. "Someone you know just wants you dead."

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