Chapter Four

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"Now, look to the left," Dr. Hong asks. "Now the right." I do as he says and sit up straight when he checks my heart beat, my ribs, and my head.
    "Have you been experiencing any headaches or episodes?" he asks, studying me.
"No headaches but I do sometimes get a surge of memories that flood my head all at once and that's a little draining." I answer honestly and look to Daphne who's watching intently.
    "Any memories of your family or even who did this to you?" he asks now and I nod my head. I explain the dreams I have and the bits of memories I get after waking up from them and the few memories I've been getting of my family.
    "I also know what my name is." I answer and he smiles.
    "And what may I call you?" Dr. Hong asks.
    "Melissa." I reply and he frowns. "I haven't figured out what my last name is yet so that's a work in progress."
    "Well, you seem to be healing well and since you're not feeling any pain, I won't prescribe any medicines for you but keep up what you're doing and I'm sure you'll regain your memories in no time." Dr. Hong leaves the room and I stand up to get changed.
"I think we need to get you some new clothes." Daphne eyes the same clothes I've been wearing these last few days.
"I couldn't possibly ask you to get me anything." I reply quickly and without thinking, I face Daphne in just my panties. Daphne's eyes widen and when I look down, I quickly turn around and fix myself.
"Well, I'm getting tired of looking at you in those clothes." Daphne gets up and holds up the coat I was wearing earlier. "Plus, I think some shopping therapy is exactly what we'll need after filing that police report.
Unable to protest, we both get into her death trap of a car and head over to the police station. As we walk out and head towards the building, I grow more nervous and begin to twiddle my fingers.
"Hey, we're just filing a report," Daphne rubs my back. "We're not turning ourselves in for murder or something."
I nod my head and when we walk through the station, all heads turn and look at us.
Why is everyone looking?
"I can't do this." I state after a second of just standing in the building. I look to Daphne but I don't think she heard me. I try to reach out for her hand but before I could grab it, a man in a black suit approaches us with a scruffy beard and shoulder length hair. He looked like he could be someone's fun uncle, smoking cigars and drinking whiskey.
"What can I help you with today, ladies?" he asks and he definitely smells like whiskey.
"My friend here," she looks over to me, "would like to file a report." Daphne explains and he raises his eyebrow.
"And what kind of a report are we filing?" He looks to me and I gulp.
"Well, I was assaulted Monday night in Downtown L.A on my way home from work." I reply and I watch as his eyes widen like a light bulb switched on in his head.
"Why don't we all talk in my office." He ushers us towards a room in the corner of the building. Once inside and the door shut, he offers us a seat and takes his seat on the other side of his desk. "I didn't properly introduce myself, my name is Detective James Oslo."
"Now, please explain everything to me." He sits back and I look to Daphne.
"I can only give you bits and pieces of information since I have acute amnesia." I explain which doesn't seem to please the detective but I go on to explain what I could remember of that night. Daphne fills in the blanks and explains what happened when she found me and how we've been trying to piece memories back together for the last couple of days.
"And you only remember your first name and bits of the assailant?" Detective Oslo asks. When I nod my head, he leans to his right and grabs a piece of paper and pen.
"Can you describe the man for me?" He asks and I describe what I can of the man with his eyes, the neck tattoo, the necklace, and what he was wearing. When I've finished, he nods his head. "So, because the police weren't called when this happened and you received bodily harm, we'll be charging him with battery once we find the bastard who did this to you."
"So how does this whole thing work?" Daphne asks and Detective Oslo explains the information he needs from me which although is limited, can help him find my family and also find possible suspects who I can point out when the time comes.
"Once we find the right guy, you can press charges accordingly and prosecute the guy and if you want, we can have a protection on you after all this is taken care of." He explains and I shake my head.
"If I can find my family by the time that happens, then I'll be fine." I reply and he raises his hands up as if in defeat.
"Well, with this description and giving us your name, we can look through our database and try to find a picture to match you." Detective Oslo gives us his card and we all stand at once. Daphne gives him the house phone number in case he finds something soon and we leave his office. People continue to stare until we finally leave the building and get into the car. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and close my eyes. That in itself was a headache.
"I'm really proud of you," Daphne says suddenly, making me glance over to her. "Not a lot of people can file a report and press charges against their assailants and you did just that."
"It wasn't easy." I confess and feel her hand on my knee. I blush, looking at her and when she smiles, it lifts my heart, making me smile.
"Well, to celebrate, let's do some well deserved shopping." Daphne releases my knee from her warm and tender hand. Daphne begins to back out and we drive off to the nearest mall.

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