The killing

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You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.- Desmond Tutu

01.02.2007. Bristol, England

"Why do Alexander and Alexandra get to go and I don't?" Selene grumbled kicking her mother's wooden bed. That bed was older than she and her siblings according to her parents.

"Because you are still a child and ceremonies like these are for grown-ups," Alexander said sticking his tongue out, making her roll her eyes at him. Alexander was four years older than she was but convinced she was million years more mature than he would ever be.

"But Mama, I am thirteen years old. Every thirteen years old in this pack are going to be there, why am I the odd one out?" she sadly sat on her mother's bed. Her mother who was busy braiding her sister's hair didn't say a word. Even if Selene was the youngest child of her parents, she felt like she had never been their favorite. The whole cliche about the youngest child been the most pampered? All a lie.

"Selene I am sure you will be allowed to very soon. Mom and Dad are just trying to protect you especially since you haven't changed yet" Alexandra replied with a smile. She was so beautiful, her eyes-they were like chocolate mixed in honey. They brought out the beauty of her black hair which was plaited back in a french braid reaching up to her lover back.  Her smooth olive skin could make anyone jealous and her full lips under her pointed nose sealed the deal. Selene had always wanted to look like Alexandra, her beauty was undeniable. She got it from their mother whose 

Selene loved her sister more than anything else in this world, not only because she understood her but also because unlike Alexis, Alexandra was useful and not annoying. Every one loved Alexa, even the members of other parks, she was gentle, nice, a great fighter, a great cook and very funny too. Now Alexa was even her parents' favorite.

"Your sister is right omorfiá, very soon you would be able to go to all ceremonies freely," her father said to her with a little smile.

"I have not transformed and I probably will never transform. Every other child got their wolf at the age of twelve and I am thirteen going fourteen, I still haven't gotten mine. I will never get it" her face fell.

"Oh, agápi mou, you know that in some cases it's not strange when one transforms at an older age, it makes them more sensible and helps them understand the worth of their powers," Her mother said tucking Selene's hair behind her hear

"Either that or the moon goddess just hates you" Alexis mocked her.

"I hate you!" she shouted at him. He was probably right the moon goddess probably hated her

"Grow up!" Alexandra warned him.

"Stop it you two. Go and get ready Alexis and tell Ambrose to get ready, we are about to come down." Their father warned them and with that, they stopped. Their father was the Alpha of the pack and tonight was a transformation celebration for few kids who turned and got their wolves. He had to pray to the moon goddess to bless them and then there would be a lot of food and drinks. Of course, Selene had no idea how it looked like but she could only imagine, she had always dreamed of the days she would transform.

Ever since she was little she has been training and waiting patiently for that day. Ever werewolf girl dreamt of that day, it was like getting your period except that you had a full companion and friend in yourself. And a party of course with lots and lots of food and drinks. And less blood, ugh Selene hated blood.

"Go to your room child," her father said to her leading her out the door. Her sister winked at her which literally meant 'I will come and keep you company and I will bring food too"

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