What could possibly go wrong?

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01.02.2018 Vienna, Austria.

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."
―Mahatma Gandhi

"According to our men in the upper north, the target was last seen getting on the cruise," she said to her partner, her British accent was faint. Even if the doors were soundproof she could hear the music from downstairs, her wolf sense was so strong that she felt like they were playing the music in her head. That was why she hated meeting outside, loudness and of course people and their toxic personalities.

They were at the VIP section of a nightclub downtown. Of all the places they could choose to hang out, of course, he chose the nightclub, it was one of the many properties they owned. The sound of the rain outside was soothing, she had come to love Austria for many things and its weather was one of them.

The scents of the rain were something that really calmed her. The way the scented like the nothingness of life. They were actually just like life. The more you concentrate on the scent the less you perceive. The sounds of the rain hitting the ground were like sweet drums to her ears.

"Okay get Russell to prepare the jet, we are going in tomorrow morning" he replied. He was sitting on a couch across her. His grey suit was very visible to her, only Eros would wear a suit to a club. He was no fun.

"We?" she asked him with a questioning look, he had never gone with her on a mission before why did he suddenly want to now?

"Yes we are going together, is that going to be a problem?" he asked her with a smirk.

'Yes it is, we can't have him come with us' her wolf screamed at her.

"No, it isn't," she said with a fake smile. Eros already knew when she was fake smiling but he ignored it on purpose. She feared that he knew why she has been going on these missions alone. On why she had specific clients she chose and if he suspected why she even begged him to work in the first place.

"Remember this is the last job you are doing and after this, you are moving back to the house permanently. That was the deal" he stood up walking towards her. Cybele rolled her eyes at him, she knew this day would finally come when she had to go back home but she needed more time for her research. She also knew how useless it would be arguing with Eros, he was hard-headed. The only person who was more stubborn than she was.
It was actually a miracle that he had let her move out in the first place.
He passed her and move towards the counter full of drinks.

"By the way, I will be leaving in a week for England, I have a meeting with the Dante brothers, will you be okay by yourself?" He poured himself a drink and also one for me. The atmosphere was calm, no one else was in there with them but she knew his bodyguards were all over the club. She would never understand why he needed them. They were both well-trained fighters, Luca made sure of that.

"I could just stay at my place until you get back and I could also just do the job alone," she said giving him a sweet smile hoping it would work.

"Young lady that's not happening, besides it's not safe, with all the killings that have been happening recently" he gulped the whole drink in one go. It reminded Cybele of when they use to compete taking shots late at night and sneak back into the house late at night.

She knew about the killings, she wasn't responsible but she was aware that something was out there killing people. She was not afraid, she couldn't say the same for Eros. When it came to her, he was always paranoid. She couldn't blame him though.

Eros and his father found her in the middle of the woods when they went hunting. Imagine finding a pitiful kid naked in the middle of nowhere. She was still surprised by the fact that they helped her at all. Ever since that day she became the second child and only daughter of Luca Adonis.

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