ONE : who dat boy

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"Noooooo~you didn't check out at Walmart in JUST your boxers!"

"I did!"

"You didn't!"

Yugyeom grinned. "I did and it was embarrassing as fuck. BUTTTTTT Sehun had to clean my bathroom for a year."

Jihyo laughed and you felt a smile spread over your own face. You wouldn't say you were actually involved in the present conversation but Yugyeom your new roommate and Jihyo's newest admirer, so naturally you had gotten roped in as her less attractive, less witty friend to tag along and put up with this.

"Ay Jihyo, did you bring your Yatze?" Sehun asked, shifting closer to your best friend. Jihyo paid him no mind and just flipped her hair.

"Why you asking? We're drinking after the parlour right?"

Yugyeom shot her a thumbs up. "Of courseeee. Does y/n drink too?"

Ok, someone's talking to you.

"I do!" you smiled but a sinking feeling was already growing in your stomach.

Truthfully, you were not entirely sure you were going to enjoy this outing with your new roommates. Jihyo had been the one to find the house owned by Yugyeom, and he was the loud party type. His friends Sehun and Sana didn't seem much better either and apparently two more guys would also be showing up.

"Oh, there's Jimin's car!" Yugyeom waved suddenly at a black BMW across the street

Well speak of the devil.

"Jimin? The nice boy?"Jihyo asked, peering at the vehicle but Yugyeom shook his head.

"Aniya, Jimin's our Mr. Rich guy," Yugyeom giggled. "Any of you ladies interested?"

Sana rolled her eyes. "Is he hot?"

"Why don't we find out?" Yugyeom asked, opening the back door. "Everyone, get in!"

You and Jihyo were about to go together but Yugyeom quickly pulled her back.

"Sit up front," he smirked, opening shotgun door and pushing her in. You mentally rolled your eyes, knowing he was already trying to fix her up with Jimin. You ended up sitting by the window with Sana.

"Jimin, meet my new roommates," Yugyeom grinned once everyone was settled.

And that was when you saw him.

At once, you were shocked at how handsome he was~perfect pale skin, thick locks of black hair that seemed to just bounce off his skin without any sweat or wear like a doll...
His lips and cheeks were also full and the t-shirt and sweater he wore did nothing to hide a thick neck and toned body.

"Hello," he smiled, and the expression filled his whole face, including his eyes

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"Hello," he smiled, and the expression filled his whole face, including his eyes.


"So that's Jihyo next to you, and then Sana and y/n in the back." Yugyeom explained.

The guy's eyes moved with each mention, finally coming to rest on you. You felt your heart thud as the smile slowly faded from his face and a lock of hair fell, dusting his eyes as he tilted his head and made a tiny 'o' with those lips.


"Shall we go then?" Yugyeom asked. "Oh, and we're picking up Hanbin at his house."

The ride was quiet. Well, quiet for you at least. Yugyeom, Jihyo, and Sana did most of the talking while Sehun played on his phone and Jimin spoke when spoken to.

"Ugh, I'm feeling sick," Sana moaned after you had picked up Hanbin. "Too much car."

You didn't know Sana well but had experienced a similar feeling.

"Want to switch seats?" you asked. "You might feel better by the window."

Sana just nodded. Jimin stopped the car and you switched, meaning you were now beside Hanbin in the middle.

"Here you go," he smiled, handing you the seatbelt as you settled in.

"Thank you..." You took it but in that moment your eyes caught Jimin's in the rearview mirror. He averted his eyes quickly but it still made your heart thud vulnerable.

Relax y/n, it's nothing.

You took a deep breath and kept your gaze on your knees until Sana called for a bathroom break.

"Looks like we found the source of your stomach problems," Yugyeom snickered from the back.

"Shut up celery boy," Sana glared. "Pull over at the next stop oppaaaaa~"

"No wait! There's a McDonald's up ahead! Let's go there."

Jimin stopped on the side of the road across from it.

"K who wants fries?" Yugyeom asked.

"Yah, let's just all go in," Sehun already had his seatbelt unbuckled. "Come on Jihyo~"

"I don't think I'll eat anything," Hanbin said then and, to be honest, you were on a one day diet and also said no.

"Same," Jimin added. "We can stay in the car."

"If you say so," Yugyeom said, and they set off, leaving you awkwardly alone with two people you had just met until

"Shit, I think Yugyeom forget his wallet," Hanbin discovered 30 seconds later, opening the door. "I'll go give it to him."

The prospect of being left alone with Jimin immediately sent a wave of nervous nausea over you.

"I can do it," you said quickly.

"Oh no, it's--"

"No worries," you smiled. He didn't argue and you sighed in relief as you reached the crosswalk. The sign immediately switched to walk and you went ahead, eyes focused on the M and relief flooding your body, perhaps so much that you didn't see the truck speeding directly towards you.

The screeching sound of wheels was what caught your attention.
You barely had time to comprehend as a black object suddenly shot in front of you, the truck hitting it full on. There was a horrid clash of metal on metal as the object you now recognized as an SUV skidded towards you, taking the brunt of the truck's acceleration. You tried to move but somehow your limbs were frozen and you could only stare in numb fear.


There were screams far away but then the disaster was on you. You cradled your head just as the SUV came screaming towards you, swaying and groaning.

"And that was when you saw the SUV driver, bleeding from the head but still twisting the steering wheel to offset the path of the truck, so much so the vehicle had begun to tilt.


"GO!!!" he yelled through the chaos. But before you could act, he suddenly let go of the wheel, flung the door open and thrust himself over top you, just as his BMW toppled over and came crashing down overhead.


I have never written a scene like that!!!!
It was a lot of action but all part of the setup so hope you didn't mind! Oh and btw this FF is taking place in an AU if ya didn't know cause I don't think they have walamrt in Korea Loool

Until next time my fellow netizens


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