Study date Pt.1

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After the little incident, Yuki has perfectly made it clear that Sam was hers.
She would kiss Sam infront of Invader, making sure she was boiling with anger. She would make Sam blush insanely when Sookie was around,even though Sookie pefer females over males. Taurtis has finally managed get Chan to become his girlfriend. Even though she hesitated, He was pretty sure she loved him just as much as he did.

Sam, on the other hand, was terrified.
He knew if he ever did something that upset Yuki,she would hurt him. Thankfully, Yuki seems to love him enough to not kill him. Sam has made sure not to get innolved with any females or just with people who are single.
Even though Sam is straight,  Yuki has forbidden him to have any contact with single males, due to some fanfictions she read. The only people Sam ever spend time with is Taurtis, Chan, and of course, Yuki. That was fine for him, just as long if no one gets hurt.
Oh, How wrong was he.

"Ohh, Sweetheart!"! Yuki sanged, running up to Sam to hold his hand.
"Is there anything you would like to do after school"? Yuki asked, with a devilish smile. Sam blushed insanely, like he always does. Is she suggesting what he thinks she is?

"I'm sorry my... darling-". Sam mummered."But I have alot of homework to d-do". Yuki groaned.
She placed a hand next to Sam.
"You always say that Precious!~ Why don't we have a study group together"?
Yuki suggested. Sam thought for a second and sighed.
"Alright Yuki, we can go over to my house since Taurtis is going to Chan's house"! Yuki kissed his cheek, leaving a tint of pink blush on his cheeks.
"That's perfect Precious! See you later"! Yuki yelped, running off.
Sam sighed.
He should have just said no.

My Yandere Girlfriend. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن