How my life has changed

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My mother was a really great mother. She fed me and my sisters. She play with us and do everything I wanted for in a mother. But on October 6 2009 my mom went out to get ice cream for my sisters birthday. And she got hit by a drunk driver. My life isn't the same without my mother.

My father is very ill. He was in the Navy for 13 years and was traumatized by the war so he had to retire. My father lays on the couch and rarely falls asleep. Because if he does he will scream bloody murder because he had an night mare. My father is also getting the early stages of Alzheimer's. which is sad because is only 64. And I'm helping him by myself and I have two sisters why can't they help?

My sisters are name Jasmine(19) and Jackie( 23). I'm the oldest I'm 25. All they do all day is be on the street and do bad things. I rarely see them they only come back for money or food.

So when my mom died 5 years ago I has to drop out of college and help my dad. I love to cook and would love to be a chef or own a restaurant. I went to cooking school and fell in love with it. I say to my self someday I well go back and learn to cook again! :-)

It's me and hope you like and read my other book. Love me please

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