Court of Owls

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You don't remember how you got here. You don't remember your name. The Do you even know if  you had a name went ignored. You don't remember anything.

All you know is that you are called Talon, and whatever the Court asks of you, you do it, as you belong to them and them alone.

You weren't like this before. You were normal. Fun.


At least you think so.

But it doesn't matter, either way, since you are empty. You feel nothing. As if everything became bland and there's nothing you could do about it.

What Happened Before

"Let me go! Let me go!" You can't help but scream as they dragged you. Where? You don't know. All that you know don't want to go. It feels bad, not like in Juvie, but bad bad.

You struggled, trying to break free. But it seems life was really against you, as it did nothing. Eventually, though, they got tired of you screaming and struggling so they knocked you out.


It's cold. That was the first thing you noticed. Then you felt that you were on a hard surface. The ground? It was uncomfortable. You tried to be comfortable then you remembered. You were taken. You were not in Juvie anymore. Eyes snapping open, you shot up, wincing as your body ached. Where are you?

Wherever you are, you don't like it. It's cold, dark, and just feels wrong.


You whipped your head, trying to find the source of the noise, but seeing that it's dark, you just seem like you're swinging your head wildly. You go backwards, but feel something so you tried standing up. Keyword is tried. Whatever happened to you is making you sluggish, therefore can't move properly. Were you drugged? You fell to the ground with a thud, and promptly blacked out again.


You wake up again, this time you could see, but only a little. Squinting, you look around. Everything around you seems to be walls and walls and walls, and it seems to trigger your now discovered claustrophobia.

Breathing heavily, you tried looking for an escape path, since your arms and legs appear to be free from restraints, and you barely feel the drug anymore. Maybe it wore off? But you don't know for sure.

You saw a light. It reminds you of the phrase, 'The light at the end of the tunnel,' except this isn't a tunnel, and it's more of walls, and even more walls. Looking around for any other path, you can't seem to find anything. So, with a gulp that seems so loud in the silence, you head to the light.


It was dumb to think that after the light you would get to escape, but it couldn't stop you from hoping. The sight that greeted you, though, at the end of the light, was sickening.

A man was tied up and gagged, terrified, even more after seeing you. He struggled against his restraints and gag to no avail. You just stare at him, horrified, and tried going back to the place you just left from.


You bumped to a wall. You were sure it wasn't there before. On it was a note.

Kill this man if you want to leave.

You dropped the note, and scampered away from it. You didn't want to do it. In this life and the one before, you've never killed anyone. You don't plan to.

Warily glancing back to the man, you noticed a knife that wasn't there before, and Holy shit, they really want you to kill him.

You felt sick, so you decided not to, even if you want to escape.


You're losing your mind now, you're sure of it. Everywhere you look, you see your parents falling, the people from Juvie. And everytime you close your eyes, you hear their screams, and their words. You feel them holding you, and Go, do it, you've already killed us before. You let us fall. You're a Gypsy scum, and you've probably did it.

You would usually feel a prickling, poking sensation, and blank out, trying to grab onto something but the walls are plain. You wake up with the knife in your hand. You throw it away, and everything repeats.

You start losing your memories. You start forgetting who you are. But you're sure that whoever Mary and John Grayson are, you are responsible for their deaths.

You blank out once again.


When you become aware of your surroundings, you first noticed a dried up brown thing basically covering you, the floor and the wall in front of you. Then you noticed the knife in your hand. You look around, to see if the man was still there.

He wasn't.

Instead, there is a note. It reads, Find the other target and kill her.

You feel sick.

Though what could you do?


(A/N: woah a long chapter, what a surprise. i dont even know if this was as gut-wrenching (i think this is the term) but i hope for the best. so what do you guys think? was this good? because it felt like i was repeating words over and over again like omg why. anyways thats all for this chapter, thanks for reading this trash, see ya!)

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