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In a cold, dark corner of the universe is where lies the monochromatic world of Silencia: home to approximately 1.4 billion Silencians and the thirteen Irdoks that have guided and expanded their world in a myriad of ways together with their laws, with a promise of safety and opulence. One of which is in charge of protecting the planet under the Council's orders is none other by Major Minus, whom his sole duty is to keep the planet away from monstous Eaters that are drawn to sound and color. Thus having one law to remind all the Silencians: Color is Crime.

To maintain the rule of law: they have the Silencers. A military police made up by natives conditioned and programmed from infancy to enforce the Irdoks' fundamental rule of governance: the C.A.L.M. or the Chromatic and Acoustic Level Minimization; in which these particular soldiers did their objectives responsibly to keep the C.A.L.M. as low as possible and to remove any trace of sound and color, for this world lives in constant fear of the dangerous and fearful Eaters.

Lucky for them, the city has a salvation thanks to the technology that Minus and his kind had given for them -- the Hypnofeed -- a calming diversion for every citizen. But even the distraction of the Hypnofeed can't quell the gripping fear of an attack by those dreaded beings. However, any single disturbance of the C.A.L.M. is never a good idea.

But little do they know that those so-called Eaters was the biggest and the foulest lie the Irdoks has ever told to the people, for they had been keeping secrets about the true nature of the citizens and the planet itself -- especially the most sinister project which Minus had been planning.

Even if the infamous Great War of Color had ended years ago the same as the rebellious Car Kids who were all wiped out by Minus, that didn't stop for another generation of Sparkers to be increasing in numbers, violating every rule the Irdoks had made for their planet and fighting against the Silencers most of their lives. They kept on fighting to keep sound and color on the streets with the help of the Sparks -- magic, sound-filled graffiti created from the fingertips of the Sparker rebels. Now, together with their fearless leader Fly, it's up to them to finish what the Car Kids had started.

Meanwhile, in the world of blue and green of the planet Earth, Chris Martin -- the lead frontman of the British band Coldplay -- was having troubles of making new songs nor ideas for a new and the fifth album for the band a year after the success of Viva La Vida together with its tour. Whenever he could try to think of a single lyric, he somehow couldn't form them up into one song; even if his friends and family could try to help him, not one idea was struck to his head. He just needs an album that was different from the previous ones. One that can tell a certain story through an interesting choice of melodies and sounds.

From the wondrous country of Japan, with a name that means "the first sound of the future", Hatsune Miku was just an ordinary yet a very talented girl with a robotic (and classified) origin as an out-of-this-world Vocaloid. As her fame was probably developing quickly thanks to her songs from several producers, she has this mysterious side of hers that was completely unknown to the world -- with a secret that she's been keeping deep to her chest just for the safety of the planet that's she's been living in. She might have been in an important position to which she's been secretly carrying it on her shoulders.

When these two began to meet as their worlds collide each other, things might start to get far more interesting...

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"Sparks offer us a pathway to a deeper understanding of not only ourselves -- but others as well..."

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WRITTEN BY: Yellow_Dayz

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Hey y'all! It's ya gal back from the dead, and I welcome you to the prequel of Prospekt's March! Yes! A prequel of my horrible fanfic! Yaaay!

I've been awfully lazy to update Prospekt's March or my other stories and I'm also glad that you enjoyed that monstrosity! Here in this prequel, there's still some of that sad and dark crap that might get you right in the feels from my stupid fanfic.

In Sekiranun Graffiti, writing this was obviously, heavily, and mainly inspired by Coldplay's Mylo Xyloto, both the comics and the whole album itself, in which I truly fell in love with it -- not gonna lie -- and one of Hatsune Miku's songs which is the same name of the title of my soon-to-be-trash fanfic; where the music video made me think that Miku is a sparker there. And that is where and why this fanfic came to my head in the first place.

Also maybe spoilers for Prospekt's March if you never read it first but I'm not saying that I should recommend you to read it -- it's all but trash. But if you don't, that's still fine and let's get started!

And again, enjoy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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