Come on

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I woke up in the hands of my loving boyfriend. I can't believe I'm doing this is he's gonna hate me?...well it's not gonna matter then.

"Baby, you awake?" Ooooh god I'm gonna miss this so so much."Mmmm and I want breakfast" I love his breakfast.

"And what would you want princess?" And his cute nicknames fuck maybe it's not too late to turn it is too late to turn back.

"Pancakes please" He does the best pancakes in the whole world I guess this is gonna be the best option for the last breakfast together.

"Fine,I'll make you pancakes if you won't get off of me or I swear to god I'm gonna have to punish you." His dark ,punishing side is awake mmm I love that too tho but if I'll do it and I want to do it and then I leave him he's gonna think I wanted to use him for the last time. So I just got off of him really quick. He looked surprised because usually I love to be punished by him but now he didn't said anything so cool...I think...

I sat on one of the chairs an watch him cook for the last time-ok why do I keep saying for the last time? Like I know it is for the last time but I don't have to say it over and over again like wtf? Well I guess without the last time it just can't work or whatever.

When the food was ready he placed it in front of me and sat down. I started to eat. A couple of minutes we eat in silence until he broken it.

"Are you on your period Angie?" He asked with real sadness in his voice.

"No,no I'm not. Seriously. But..." "But?" He asked. "I wanted to talk about something with you."

"And that is?" Here goes nothing "I want to travel the world. Like not the whole world but some capital country's in Europe." Wait. Why is he smiling? "That's great Ang. Finally something wild is going to happen in your life. I'm so so happy for you princess you don't have any idea."

"But Ax you don't get it, it means I will need to break up with you." Tears started to fight there way to my eyes but I didn't let them.

Why the hell is he smiling? He's meant to be heartbroken from that situation. Freak he's so weird.

"Why would I need to. Your planing to date someone else or what?" A smirk rested on his lips.

"No of course not Ax. Your perfect for me but we can't be couple if we don't see each other. Don't you know how these couples end up when they don't see each other even for a month ? And I'm planing it for some years?"

"But why we wouldn't see each other if I'll go with you?" I'm shooked. What the hell did just escape his lips?

"But you've said you hate traveling so what did changed your min-" he cut me off "you princess. You,only you and no one else. If it means I can be with the love of my love I'm would've even go to burning fire just to see you princess."Can I have literally a better boyfriend? Exactly I can't .

I stood up from my seat, ran to his seat ,hugged him so so freaking tight and kissed him with all I had.

For a while we were kissing but he pulled off. "You know you've never told me how should I call you. Cause I call you Ang,Angie,princess or love or anything else and I don't know witch one I should call you cause I want to call you by one name not five." He's so sweet.

"Well I love the love or Ang but the princess one is just better." That was legit I loved when he called me princess. It was so so sweet. That on period I didn't wanted sweets only salty things. You feel me?

"Ok princess shall we continue?We have the whole week until our first destination,so I would've love to take you too my favorite place called bedroom." Wait how does he know that?

"How do you know that? Did you know about my little thing all this time and didn't tell me?" This was a real  cause nobody knows about this only me and my compute- wait of course he checked my computer. God dammit why did I say the password to him?

"Let's say that I'm really overprotective boyfriend" he winked at me. God his winks are gonna be the death of me. Cause every time he winks I usually get just so freaking soft that if someone needed a soft pillow he could've sleep on me just fine.

"And you still didn't answer my question if I can show you my favorite room?" Oh I totally forgot about that.

"Yes you can mister but it needs to be quick I need to shop tomorrow." I winked at him and a huge smirk slowly started to take it's place on his lips.

"Don't worry mam I'll try to be quick. Let's say you'll gonna make it till tomorrow."

And you probably have an idea what happened in that room. Yep that dude, that dirty stuff.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I need a boyfriend just like Ax. I mean I really do.
So how did you liked my first chapter? Write it in comment section.
Another book is in process. It already has 2 chapters done but I'm waiting till it gets more chapters.
So that's it.

Lots lots of Love


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