Cold Cream

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Chapter 19.

Cold Cream

It was all a lie.. all of it my friendship with Rita.. me and Knight and then there is Noah. I really thought he was into me but in fact he was trying to get Rita jealous by going out with me or trying to go out with me since I didn't give him a chance.

I knew it was to good to be true, I walked passed my house and passed my cousins house until I reached a cemetery. the gate was closed but it wasn't locked, I pushed the gate open it made a squeaking noise that probably woke the dead.

I don't really remember where my mom was buried but I remember it was near a tree, it had beautiful flowers and bright green leaves on it. Even though it was a sad day that day it was beautiful my mom didn't want us to cry.. she wanted us to rejoice that she was going to a better place.

I walked to a tree that had no flowers or leaves on it.. brown petals and brown leaves covered the floor. I bent down and read the tombstone Here Lies A Mother Brave And Strong RIP Emily

Tears trickled down my face as I read it out loud "why, why you?" I whispered looking up to the sky "stupid cancer! why my mother.. Why?" all I could say was why if my mother was still alive I wouldn't be in this situation.

My phone vibrated underneath me and I answered it "yes?" I should of checked caller I.d "Hannah where are you?" "I'm with mom" I said to my dad "your mom?..." "yes"

"Alright I'm coming to get you" "ok" I said hanging up the phone. I laid next to my moms tombstone as more tears continued to fall down my face. and I closed my eyes.


"Hannah.... Hannah wake up" I felt someone shaking my shoulder "sorry dad.. I dozed off" I rubbed my eyes and looked up

"Ryan! oh my gosh when did you get here" I jumped up and gave my brother a hug "I just reached here a few hours ago.. surprise"

"What are you doing here?" I said releasing him from my brace "come with me and you'll see" we started walking back to the entrance "oh my gosh.. my car.. finally my baby" I ran to my beautiful range rover and tried to hug it and I gave the front of my car kisses

"I wouldn't kiss it.. bird poop" "eww" I tried spitting out any left over whatever that was on my car and we laughed "want to drive it?" he held up the keys "yes!" I snatched the keys and got into my car as fast as I could.

He got in the car, then the questions came "why did you go see mom today?" "I had a bad day"

"What happened?" I really didn't want to talk about it but if I didn't I might explode "hmm were should I start?"

"I don't know maybe you should start by going to the ice cream shop I'm starving... my bad continue" I rolled my eyes "well... I just found out today that this girl that I thought was my friend is actually a two faced bitch"

His eyes popped out of his face "what did she do?" "for starters she acted like she was my friend.. and she wasn't"

"Why would she do that?"

"Because... I was the bait" "the bait?" "yes the bait.. it all makes sense"

"Can you explain this to me.. I'm confused"

"When I first came here this boy Noah had a crush on me" "you mean the Noah that's next door" I nodded my head "first day of school I sat next to Noah and then Rita introduced herself.. they was using me." I held into the stirring wheel

"Noah was trying to get Rita jealous by going out with me.. but Rita was getting Noah upset by hanging out with me.. they were never my friends they were just using me"

"Calm down Hannah park right there" we reached the ice cream shop but I was in no mood for ice cream "how can I calm down.. I have no friends" he gave me a hug that felt like my mothers and once again tears fled down my face

"Lets get some ice cream" I got out of the car and walked to the ice cream shop. usually it would be full of students but today it was only a few people. my brother paid for the ice cream and we sat in a booth

"I don't want to go back there" I said swallowing a cold piece of ice cream "back were?" "I don't want to go back to Kremswood.. lets go back to New York the both of us"

He shook his head "you can't I'm still in college" "so what your nineteen and I'm seventeen I think I could take care of my self when your gone" he shook his head again "and what is dad gonna say... no" "Then ill run away I don't care"

"do you here yourself?.. just because one bad situation happens your gonna run away"

"Why not?.. I'm not staying here everyone I met here is fake" I tried to eat some more ice cream but I couldn't "yes you are staying here.. ok. They used you so's not the end of the world you have Lilly"

I laughed a little "Lilly more like lukey" I tried combining Luke and Lilly's name together "she's always with her boyfriend.. she never has time for me"

"Are you gonna finish that?" my brother said pointing to my vanilla ice cream with sprinkles "you could have it" I said pushing it towards him "thanks"

"So when are you leaving?" I said wiping my mouth with a napkin "Friday" today is Tuesday so I had at less three days to persuade him.

"Are you ready?" he said after throwing away two cups of ice cream "yeh.. was dad upset that I went to the cemetery?"

"No he was just concerned"


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