• TWO •

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❝ P R I V A T E  T O U R

Amity had braced herself for a number of things Corbyn could possibly be leading her to. But, going to a smoothie shack had not been one of them.

It was placed at the edge of the island, not too far away from where her hut lay, and held a stunning view of the beach. Corbyn walked into the quaint shop as though he owned the place, ordering her to remain outside as he did so.

She sits on the warm ground, allowing the sun to kiss her face and sand to slip between her toes as she admires the view.

The entire beach was littered with people that were very obviously tourists, everyone wearing the usual tacky tourist outfits. But, the ocean beyond them was still beautiful. With water so clear you could see the bottom and tropical fish swimming between the coral, Amity wanted nothing more than to dive in.

If Bey was with her, she knew the girl would already be trying to jump in fully clothed, and of course she would follow suit; not caring what the world thought of them as long as they were having fun together.

That's just the kind of effect Bey had on people. She made Amity, a typically self-conscious girl, the most confident woman in the world. It's what made their summers together so amazingly special, because they forgot about what anyone else thought and the distance usually between them - with Bey in Canada for her architect school and Amity in England for medical school. They made the most of their two weeks together in the summer.

Amity is brought out of her thoughts as the smoothie shack's door is thrown open, bringing with it the sight of Corbyn and a brunette she had yet meet.

Corbyn instantly hauls her to her feet and gestures to his friend with a proud grin. "Amity, this is Jonah. Jonah, this is Amity."

Amity had to admit he was rather handsome. She stares at his kind, blue eyes and chiseled chin, along with perfectly tousled hair, not too far from her favorite character in Grey's Anatomy. The only difference being that Derek Shepherd wouldn't be caught dead in a casual blue t-shirt, khaki shorts, and worn out flip-flops.

The girl ducks her head, blushing as she realizes both guys had caught her staring.

"It's nice to meet you," she mutters, refusing to make eye contact as she holds her hand out.

Jonah immediately takes it, failing to hide his amusement at how embarrassed she appears. Instead of shaking it like she expects, he places a chaste kiss on her knuckles, sending a quick wink as she glances up in surprise.

"The pleasure is all mine."

Amity let's out a flustered squawk, once again blushing furiously and looking everywhere but at him as he chuckles.

Truth be told, Jonah was beyond in awe of her, although he was better at hiding his feelings than she was. When Corbyn said he wanted him to meet a tourist, he frankly expected to meet some old person visiting Bora Bora on retirement money.

The second his eyes fell on Amity, his heart stopped. The sun created a halo around her, accentuating her auburn eyes and sharp cheek bones. Her long legs soaked in the sun, as though she lived in the sun, and he wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through her messy hair.

"So," Corbyn clears his throat awkwardly, clapping his hands together to get Amity's and Jonah's attention. "Jonah has a boat that he can use to give you your own personal tour of Bora Bora."

"Yeah," Jonah instantly agrees, nodding along. "It's about a mile away, where all of the locals keep their boats. We can easily walk there and I could show you things along the way most tourists don't know about, if you want."

"That would be-"

"OH MY CHEEZ-ITS," an extremely familiar voice yells, cutting her reply off. "AMITY!"

The girl whirls around, instantly spotting the voice. Bey stands several feet away, dashing away from a group of three boys - the youngest of which appears to be getting yelled at by the older two.

Before Amity can fully comprehend what's going on, her best friend is in her arms and both girls are on the ground.

"Bey?" She questions, breathing in her familiar perfume and squeezing her tightly. Despite how upset she had been about being left alone, she still missed her best friend. Facetimes simply didn't do the two justice. "What happened to you? I was beginning to think you had died!"

Bey giggles, standing back up and pulling Amity to her feet as the three boys join their group as well.

"My fucking flight was cancelled!" She complains, throwing her arms around and stomping her foot childishly to get her point across. "Mother Nature had the nerve to hit the airport with a blizzard! I nearly died, Amity. And as if that's not bad enough, my phone died too and I can't find my charger at all!"

Amity nods along, watching as Bey's red hair flies around as she continues to rant. She doesn't interrupt, instead just listening and progressively feeling worse for ever doubting her for not showing up. She should have known there was a good reason behind Bey not making it to Bora Bora. The girl had never let her down before, so there's no reason she would now.

"But, thankfully, I met Zach," Bey points to a rosy cheeked boy, the one who had previously been in trouble with his friends. "He's staying here with his friends, Daniel and Jack. They let me crash in their hut last night because I couldn't remember which hut is ours and the address is on my dead phone so there's no way I could figure it out. But what's important is I'm here now and I really fucking missed you!"

Amity smiles, pulling Bey into another hug before introducing her to Corbyn and Jonah and telling her everything that happened before she got there.

"And Jonah just offered to give me a tour on his boat," she finishes, glancing back at him as she says his name. "Would you mind opening your boat up to a few more people?"

Jonah rubs his chin, pretending to think about it. Even if his boat was nothing but a tiny raft, there's no way he'd ever tell Amity no. He would do anything just to see her smile.

"It's a good thing there's plenty of room," he finally says with a grin, gesturing for the newfound group of friends to follow him.

Amity links her arm through Bey's, humming excitedly as they fall into step behind Jonah with the other four boys walking behind them.

"I can feel it," Bey states, slipping sunglasses onto her face as she looks over at her best friend. "We're never going to forget this summer."

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