• FOUR •

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G I R L ' S  D A Y

The second day of Amity's vacation, her morning started so much better than yesterday's.

Instead of waking up to an empty hut, she woke up curled into Bey's side, the redhead still sleeping peacefully. Amity smiles sleepily, having missed their cuddle sessions. Although there's two queen-sized beds in the bedroom, the girls only ever used one to sleep in. The other was normally used for all of their stuff they didn't put away.

Extracting herself from Bey's hold, Amity pads over to the patio doors in their room, ignoring how cold the floor was against her bare feet and quietly slips outside, careful not to wake her best friend.

It was barely after seven, the girl always having been the early riser out of the two, so she knew she had roughly a couple hours before Bey began to stir.

She sighs, leaning against the banister and closing her eyes to soak in the warm sunlight. The sound of the ocean crashing against the beach and exotic birds calling back and forth to each other was almost peaceful enough to lull her back to sleep.

The girl could see herself staying on the island forever, without a care in the world, and didn't want to think about how sad she would be when the two weeks came to an end. Unfortunately, she still had family to visit back in her home town before the summer ended, and after that, another four years of medical school to complete.

Amity was on the path to becoming a neurosurgeon, her career decision only slightly influenced by her addiction to the television series, Grey's Anatomy. Having just graduated from her undergraduate college, she was officially onto medical school once autumn rolled around. Having been the valedictorian of her class, her parents liked to joke that she would be the next Derek Shepherd.

Throwing away the thousands of dollars already put into her education just to live a simple beach bum life would have both of her mothers on the island in an instant, raising hell and dragging her by her ankles back to college.

Amity's eyes flash open, crinkling as she giggles at the thought.

Making a sudden decision, she runs back into the hut and pounces on the lumpy figure on the bed.


After all, how could she make the most of her vacation if her partner in crime remained in bed the entire time?

"Fuck off," Bey growls, throwing the girl's small body off of her own. "It's too early to exist."


"It was amazing, Amity," Bey breathes out, reassuring her best friend after noticing the nervous look on her face. "And completely safe, I pinky promise."

Amity only nods, watching closely as the tour guide wraps a safety harness around her body and secures it.

After Amity had convinced Bey to leave their bed only two hours earlier, the two girls had ventured down to the breakfast bar Amity had met Corbyn at. While eating their breakfasts, a brochure advertising parasailing had caught Bey's eye. Amity had been equally excited, quickly giving in to the red head's pleas.

Luckily, today was a day just for the two of them, so they didn't have to worry about the boys having any plans that would conflict with it.

Now, with Bey's turn over and the tour guide about to release the handle that would send her flying, Amity couldn't help but to start over thinking.

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