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Amity taps her foot impatiently, growing restless under the hot sun as the group of seven wait for the tourists Jonah met yesterday to arrive. She had woken up only a couple hours prior to Zach jumping up and down on her bed, yelling excitedly for her to get dressed so they can go to a party at some hot springs Jonah had told them about.

She has only spoken a few terse words to Jonah since her and Zach met up with the others, merely taking her phone back from him and moving to stand a couple feet away from him; no one noticed though, all too wrapped up in their own conversations as she goes through her messages, finding that everything she had been ignoring from Xavier has been opened.

Bey and Corbyn are discussing another conspiracy theory -today's conspiracy has something to do with the Illuminati and Spongebob. Daniel is wheeling the cooler back and forth, creating an impressive dent in the sand-ridden path, while arguing with Zach that it's too early to start drinking. Jonah is talking on his phone, giving directions to someone named Henry.

"PUT YOUR HEAD ON SHOULDER," Jack sings loudly, causing Amity to shriek and nearly drop her phone as he jumps in front of her. "HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS, BABYYY."

"How much alcohol have you had?" Amity giggles, nevertheless allowing him to take her hand and spin her around dramatically.

"None. You just look like you could use some cheering up," he admits before continuing the song. "Squueze me oh so tight. Show me, that you love me tooooo."

Daniel starts to hum along and takes Zach's hand, the two immediately breaking into a ridiculous waltz.

"Put your lips next to mine, dear," Zach joins in, attempting to kiss Daniel's cheek as he laughingly ducks away. "Won't you kiss me once, babyyy. Just a kiss good night."

"Maybe you and I will fall in love!" Jack and Zach harmonize.

The two progressively get louder and more dramatic as the song progresses, spinning around with Amity and Daniel so much that she worries she might puke. Corbyn and Bey join in the dancing mess, leaving Jonah partnerless as he gets off the phone.

"Put your head on my shoulder," Jack finishes impressively, dipping Amity as their impromptu dance session comes to an end. "Did I cheer you up?"

"You did," she admits, albeit breathlessly as he stands her back up. "That was actually really good. Have you guys ever considered starting a band?"

The three erupt in laughter, nearly doubling over from their hysterics. When Daniel finally calms down long enough to speak, his unspoken words are cut off by two red Jeeps - filled with far more than the legal capacity of adults - pulling up beside Jonah's Corvair.

At least thirty people pile out, reminding Amity of the clown cars at the circus she always despised for fitting way too many clowns for her liking. Two coolers of their own come out of the back of both vehicles, quickly making it clear that they wouldn't run out of booze any time soon.

There's a loud gasp as Jonah and the man she assumes to be Henry begin conversing, causing Amity's head to whip around curiously.


"SURPRISE!" One of the girls shriek excitedly, throwing her arms up as Corbyn runs up and sweeps her into an overwhelming bear hug.

"Am I the only one that thought he was lying about having a girlfriend?" Zach questions, earning a swift smack in the back of the head from Daniel.

"WHO'S READY TO PARTY?" Henry yells, earning deafening cheers from the large group. "Follow our new friend, Jonah, to the hottest party spot on the island!"

Amity cheers with the rest of the crowd, linking her arm with Jack's as they fall in step behind Bey and Daniel. Nothing can possibly ruin her good mood.

Nothing except spotting the same girl from Jonah's yacht walking by his side along the tree covered path.


Amity can't help but to feel utterly alone despite being surrounded by people. She sits in one of the many hot springs, her aching feet being soothed by the warm water as she converses with someone who claims to have met her before but she can't recall no matter how hard she tries. Despite this, she can't seem to take her mind off of the girl that has yet to leave Jonah's side.

After walking for at least a mile and a half, the narrow and barely-existing path opened up to gorgeous hot springs enclosed by an ac of palm trees and island flowers. The water is the same beautiful shades as the lagoon, only far less cold and surrounded by the most colorful rocks Amity has ever seen; it looks more like aquarium gravel than something nature made. When you step out of the hot spring, it's directly onto vibrant moss-like grass, making the ground a far safer place for the drunk adults to land instead on the unforgiving sands of the beach.

"So you seriously don't remember me?" The handsome stranger sitting next to her asks.

"I think I would remember meeting someone as ridiculously pretty as you," Amity answers, taking another sip of her martini someone had made for her. "You look like-"

"Zac Efron and Jensen Ackles mixed together?" He cuts her off, laughing at her stunned expression.

"Zac Ackles!" She cries out, proud of herself for finally remembering. "Wait a second. Aren't you the guy Jonah punched?"

"The one and only," he chuckles, turning his head to reveal an old bruise along his chiseled cheekbone. "You wouldn't happen to have any idea as to why he did that, would you?"

"He said you drugged my drink."

"What?" Genuine hurt flashes across the man's features, causing Amity's muddled mind to doubt what she had been told. "I would never even consider doing something like that!"

"How do I know you're not lying?" Amity questions, unsure as to whether or not she wanted the stranger to be telling the truth.

"While you're certainly pretty enough to probably cause some sick creep to go to such lengths, if for some reason I was drugging someone, it wouldn't be you because you're not the right gender for my taste."

"Excuse me."

Amity stands up, nearly spilling her drink on the man in her rush, and steps out of the hot spring. Her bikini clad body shivers as she looks around the enclosure, struggling to spot the person she's been trying to avoid. Her gaze finally lands on him and she thrusts her drink into a nearby stranger's hand before storming over to him.

"Amity! There's someone I want you to meet," Jonah greets happily, not yet noticing her scowl. He gestures to the pretty girl with gorgeously curly hair standing by his side "This is Esther, my sister."

The reason why she stormed over in the first place and all of the angry words Amity had prepared to yell at him simply disappear as Esther excitedly pulls her into a hug. Her jaw drops as her drunken mind attempts to process this turn of events.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Esther admits, squeezing her tightly. "Jonah does not stop talking about you!"

Amity merely nods along, only two words quietly falling out of her mouth as Esther pulls away.

"Your sister?"

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