Chapter 26

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I wake with Cam almost laying completely on top of me, and Im surprised I didn't wake all night. I guess I sleep better with him.

"Cameron wake up sleeping beauty" I say nudging him slightly.

He groans in reply. "Cam your stiffys digging into my back." I say turning around.

His eyes widen and the shock on his face is priceless.

"I... Um shit.. I didn't" he starts mumbling but I interrupt him as I place a kiss on his cheek before saying "Cameron I'd be offended if I didn't wake up to... You" I wink as I pull him up.

Daisy and Drew are having breakfast when we walk in and I give her a huge hug before we join them.

Cam tells everyone we're together over breakfast, and nobody's surprised. We spend the rest of the morning having a water fight on the beach with Nash, Carter, and Daisy.

"I was waiting for you last night" Nash says pointing his water gun at me.

"I know, I didn't forget. I just couldn't upset Cameron" I say slowly backing away.

"Well you owe me" he says teasingly spraying water at my feet. We start to laugh until I'm swung over Cams shoulder.

"Stay away Grier!" he yells with a laugh.

Carter leaves early to see Madison for lunch and Daisy and Drew head out a bit after.

"Do you want me to give you two some um... Private time" Nash asks awkwardly pushing his hair back.

"Don't be a dildo Nash, you two can take me sight seeing!" I say and he smiles looking less lost.

I change out of my bikini into a silky white and aqua wrapped skater dress with white and silver sandals before we leave.

After a few of the most amazing hours of my life, making jokes, playing round, piggy back rides, and never letting go of Cameron, we decide to stop off at an abandoned park and sit in the middle of the field.

"Why aren't you at school?" Nash asks. I was kind of hoping he would never ever ask. I give a wee groan.

"Go on" he says nudging me.

"Well, Instead of school I was privately tutored, so I finished NCEA two years early. Now I have half a year of working in my mother's boutique until I'm sent to Hawaii for University."

"So you're like a braniac!? And Hawaii!! That's awesome what the fuck!" Nash says excitedly

"Shut up!" I say with a chuckle. "My parents wont let me go anywhere else! my uncle's a priest there and he's supposed to keep me out of trouble. And he founded the Uni or something so its free."

I notice Cam storm away while I'm speaking.

"Ill check on him." I say already walking after him.

"Cameron..." I start but he interrupts me.

"Don't bother!" he snaps and I jump a little at his reaction.

"Of course I'm going to bother"

"Well don't. I don't want to know!" he says swinging around to face me.

"You know I can't stay here forever Cam"

"Shut up ok! Holly shit I hate you..." he grumbles.

"Don't say that." I say as my shoulders droop and I try to think to myself that he's just upset.

He gives a sigh "Where am I? Where Are we. You have your future completely planned by your parents and you haven't included me at all!" he starts to yell.

I pause a while before saying with an unhappy snare "You were right. We did this too soon. You don't know me at all."

He grabs my shoulder and frowns into my eyes.

"I know you, Elisa-Jane."

I give a shy smile before saying "I'd spin worlds for you. I'd miss 100 trains and fly for miles to see you for 10 minutes. That's just who I am. So don't fucking tell me I won't include you... because I will."

He gives me a sad smile and pulls me into his arms.

"I don't hate you, I wish I hated you. But I'm not even close." he whispers.

As the day goes on the hours get shorter and both of us grow sadder. When we arrive back at the house Taylor, Carter, Daisy and Drew are sitting round the lounge.

"Good timing we're about to play monopoly" Carter says with a big smile.

I sit on Cameron's lap the whole time and we manage to turn it into strip monopoly so you have to pay for stuff with your clothes. Carter looses first and moons us all and Taylor and I end up being the last ones left.

"Everyone's been dying to see what's under that bra of yours" Taylors says with a wink.

"Ive been dying to see what's under those briefs of yours" I say with a smirk and I feel Cam tense.

I end up losing to him but before I can pay up Cams lifting me up and yells over his shoulder "In your dreams Caniff" as he runs to the room.

He places me on the bed and hovers over me. His hand brushes over me and I'm overcome with insecurity. There's too much of me. Too much to touch he has to stop before he finds out.

"Don't ever do that to me again." He whispers leaning into me.

I wrap my legs around him feeling slightly nervous.

"Jealous Cammy?" I say tracing my hand over his chest.

"Crazy jealous" he whispers right below my ear and I push him down so I'm on top of him.

"I don't want to kiss you goodbye" I say tracing my nose over his.

"Its not goodbye, Ill see you soon." he says flipping me back over, his hand traces down from my lip down to my hip, he then leaves me with a kiss on my belly and pulls me up.

"Come on get dressed so I can take you to the airport" my heart drops at his words.

I put my dress back on covered by a maroon caped coat overtop, with black tights underneath, and black boots knowing it will be cold when we land.

"You look far too beautiful to let you leave me."

"Ill just... See you soon?" I say wrapping myself around him

"Il just see you soon."

My InfatuationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora