Chapter 38

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His face has turned completely cold. He gets off quickly and I feel his anger pulsating off him. He grabs a baseball bat from the car and walks off. I go to follow but I cannot bring myself to move. As he gets closer to the bushes I hear a noise again.

I feel my heart-beat thumping faster and harder with each passing second. It takes all I have in me not to break down there and then.

Cameron reaches out to shake the bushes. When he does we see a tangled little bird. A huge wave of relief washes over me and I notice him drop the bat and release the bird. As soon as he does it flys away and I wish I could fly away with it.

Thoughts of all the times Bart snuck back into our lives start to cram my mind. Its crazy to think all of this happened because of Bart. The thoughts begin to hurt as I struggle to control them devouring my mind and I knew Cam noticed because he looked at me with a glare that was too familiar.

All of a sudden my emotions burst and I sprint out the car door running into the forest.

"I don't want to be scared" I repeat in a pathetic whine over and over to myself.

I hear Cam yell after me "I know this is hard El but I wont let him hurt you ok. I'll keep you safe."

I almost go to turn back to him but I dont.

"I shouldn't of come." I whimper to myself. It dawns on me just how much Cameron's life is in danger with me. I sit myself down under a big tree towering over all the rest and let the waterfalls fall down my face.

I start to catch my breath as I receive a text message.

CAM; I wont let anyone screw this up El. You're mine and I want you here. I know you want me too.

I sit in silence for a while and I decide I really do want nothing more than him. I make my way back to the car, slowly placing one foot in front of the other and the world seems to move past so much faster than I can keep up with.

"I don't think I can stay here." I say feeling about as pathetic as I sound once Im seated in the car.

"Ok I'll take you away from this place then" he says and I can hear his frustration.

We drive and drive until the night sky turns into a never-ending shade of black. I fall asleep with him humming a tune I didn't recognize while tracing the palm of my hand with his thumb.

Oh what a joy to be alive


I wake up in a big wooden room in a king sized bed and my head is thumping like a drum. Im overwhelmed with feelings I cant quite describe, I only know that whatever I feel doesn't feel right. I realize I'm only in my underwear as I walk to open the curtain. As I pull all I see is completely white.

"Cameron?" I call as I start to back away from the window. I wait for a reply but receive no answer.

"Cameron?!" I start to scream totally disoriented. Did Bart capture us? Fuck I need to find him.

I start to scream even louder "Cameron!!" I sprint across the oversized room towards the door. I yank the door open and smash into someone on the over side.

"What's wrong?! What happened are you ok El?!"

"I-I thought th-that Bart" I say say within breathes.

"Baby no no no everything's ok we're ok" he says soothingly rubbing my back.

"Come have some breakfast and then we can hit the mountains" he says pulling me downstairs.

He puts his big tee shirt over me since I'm only in underwear and he's already made breakfast. I take a few panadol to ease my headache without Cam noticing. I don't know why but I don't want him to know.

We change into ski Gear and as soon as he opens the door we're greeted by snow.

"I've never been skiing before" I say wandering why my head wont stop thumping. My head is becoming so overbearing I don't know if Ill make it through the day if these pills don't work.

"Good thing you have me as your personal trainer" he says giving me a big hug from behind.

It takes me an hour but I finally get used to it. I only fall a couple of times but each time I had prince charming to come to my rescue, but, every time he'd hold me it just wouldn't feel right. Nothing seems right.

"I think you're ready" he says taking my hand.

"Ready for?" I say subtly moving mine away.

"To head up" he says as he makes a call.

He drives for a while and I'm not sure what to expect. We swooped and swerved around the hills for an hour until we come to a small station with a helicopter on the runway.

"No way" I whisper so quietly I think he may not hear

"I said we were going up my love" he says a bit too smugly.

Higher and higher we go and the thought of simply dropping passes through my mind. would it ease my pain? What a smple way to make all this hurting stop.

"I'll see you at the bottom" he says with a wink before jumping out.

I take a deep breathe before doing the same.

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