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mingyu pacing back and forth

with a worried look, his sweat dropping

continuously praying silently

every time he looks at the door he gets more anxious




"your baby bump is so big now" mingyu stated as he back-hugged his wife.

"why do i look fat now? are you sick of me??"

mingyu panicked as he heard what wonwoo said, releasing his wife carefully making him face him "no babe, i wont get tired of you, don' think like that please. i was just saying that your baby bump is bigger than normal pregnant moms"

"hmm, now that you mention it, it is true" a sigh of relief escaped mingyu .. he does not like to stress his wife especially now.

"maybe we will have twin angels" he said, he was curious about their child wonwoo i carrying. they decided not to get ultrasound exam since they want to be surprised as to what their child's gender be.


"what do you want? a baby girl? boy?"

"hmm, i want a boy? or girl? i dunno"

"hehe, we really cant choose between the two huh? but honestly i wont care about our kids gender as long as he/she is healthy?"

"yeah i also want that our kid is healthy and i hope he wont be clumsy like you"

"yah! kim wonwoo, thats mean" mingyu said

"what? i only stated a fact, MY dear clumsy husband"

"ooooh!!!, Mr foxy wanna play like that huh, well i also want my child to have my bubbly attitude not your emo one" mingyu stated with a challenging smirk

"emo? who??"

"you" as mingyu pointed at his wife

"me??? i don't know what your talking about i am not emo"

"you are"

"am not"

"are so"


"you are"



"i think, i'm gonna give birth"


"i said i think im gonna give birth"


"mingyu, what the fuck are you spacing out. bring me to the hospital!!!!" wonwoo shouted as he struggled feeling his abdominal cramps.

"yes sir!!" mingyu snapping back to reality got their baby bag, and carefully and swiflty carried his wife to their car, heading to the hospital.


"gyu relax, take a sit here" mingyu's dad said as he tapped the seat next to him

obliging his father " sorry that i'm, just nervous. it's been some time since they entered and i'm just worried i'm not their with him."

"don't worry he'll be fine, they'll be fine" wonwoo's dad commented. seeing his in law, worry about wonwoo and their child really is a heart warming scene, he too is worried sick about his son giving birth. but he need to have faith and believe his son.

mingyu took a glance at the hallway of the delivery room, aside from their parents their friends are also there, not all are present but most of them are there.

mingyu quickly stood up as he heard the delivery room's door opened and showed the doctor

"doc, how is my wife and child"

"how's my son?"

"is it finished, where is hyung doc?"

"doc, wonwoo? is he fine?"

"how bout the kids???"

the doctor sighed, making the group more nervous than they already are.

"the operation was longer than we expected but mr kim is fine"

relieved, that was what he felt but not so much " doc, how is my baby?"

"ah yes mr. kim. your child are healthy and they were transferred to the nursery room, your husband will also be transferred to his room please wait their and we'll have you see your babies there "

"babies?" they all asked

"did we have twins doc?"

"oh i see, you don't know. your wife gave birth to three healthy boys. congratulations mr. kim you just scored a triplets"

there and then, mingyu burst into tears

not minding the cheers from their family and friends. praying and thanking god for the good things and blessings he gave him and his family.


few more chaps till finish!

please feel free to comment your critics and suggestion.


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