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"Pair : Hongbin x Hyuk

Hah. Maybe use your brain more, fool."

"Me, the fool? I belive you have our roles switched."

"Nope. Not all. Like I said use your brain.. fool."

Now, normally Hongbin wouldn't get hurt by these words. After all, this playful bickering was a common thing between the couple but somehow, this particular argument got into poor Hongbin's head.

Not wanting to stir up suspicion, Hongbin decided to ignore the weight sitting on his heart and play it off coolly.. or as cool as he can play it.

"Okay fine you win." he declared, leaving the silly teasing with a dejected heart.

That day he returned home alone.. Just like the other days when that same thing happened.


"Hey hyung.. Have you seen Hongbinnie? We were supposed to go home together but I think he's avoiding me.."

Hyuk went up to Wonshik, with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. He hoped Woshik had seen him. He had searched everywhere. From the toilets to the school library where he most definitely knew Hongbin wouldn't be in.

"I won't tell you until you tell me why you think he's avoiding you. I am your hyung. I deserve to know."

"..I don't know.. We were just.. y'know having our meaningless arguments and he got.. quiet after that.."

His sentence traile off at the end. His mind finally putting the pieces together.

"Oh.. I see what I did wrong.."

Wonshik looked up at him, expectantly.

"Oh", he said, louder this time.

"Oh shit, I have to go now bye hyung!"

"I saw at him walking alone to the gates, for your information!"

"Kay! Thanks hyung!"

A hop, skip and a jump later, Hyuk was out of the school boundaries, going in the direction of Hongbin's house.

It wasn't long of a run but considering the speed he was going in, Hyuk did have to take a few breaths before calling out his beloved hyung's name.

"Bean-ah!", Hyuk shouted when he saw his dear boyfriend a few meters ahead of him.

Hongbin's hear whirled around at the call, suprise evident on his face.

Oh how I've been so stupid all this time.

Hyuk thought in his head as he marched foward.

Once he got close enough, he circled both his arms around Hongbin's waist and stared down at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't like.. the bickering", asked Hyuk gently.

A blush crept on Hongbin's cheeks. His gaze everywhere but the man in front of him.

"Umm.. I kind of like it. I mean, the fact that we're able to do that is only because we're comfortable with each other and.. I don't know.. I'm insecure I guess?.."

''Hey, you just said that we're comfortable with each other. Why couldn't you tell me?"

Hongbin's mouth were parted, as if he had something to say but was unsure it. Hyuk then took note of what he mentioned earlier.

"Y'know what. It's okay. You don't have to answer that. Come on. Let's get you home."

Honbin looked up to see Hyuk smiling ever so lovingly at him. A soft smile tugged at his lips. That brought so much weight off his shoulders and if he gets to live like this forever, live knowing someone will always have your back, live with this man by his side, he'll gladly take that chance.

"Hey. Want to stay over?"

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