2. Runnin' Home To You

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{warning: suicide attempt mention, please speak to someone if you are feeling like this, trust me someone will understand and will help you <3}

{warning: suicide attempt mention, please speak to someone if you are feeling like this, trust me someone will understand and will help you <3}

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"All I want to do, is come running home to you" -Runnin' Home To You - Grant Gustin


"Avengers incoming" Stark yells from behind me causing me to jump, the milk from my cereal splashing over the bowl like a mini tsunami.
I slowly spin around on the breakfast bar stool and see tony standing in the kitchen doorway.
"Or what's left of the avengers" I mumble swallowing my cereal and putting my bowl in the sink.
Tony and I walk side by side in a comfortable silence, our shoulders brushing against each other as we walk. Slowly we pad our way down to the main entrance of the avengers head quarters, both of us racking our brains of what we are gonna say to them. Two black cars pull up and the godly human being that is Steve Rogers emerges from the vehicle.
Tony immediately walked over to him and engaged in a conversation. I wander round to the back of one of the cars and open the trunk. As I pull one of the small suitcases I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"You don't need to do that darling"
I spin on my heals and I'm greeted by sam Wilson's flirtatious smirk and bright eyes.
"Hi sam" I say shyly as I wrap my arms around his shoulder.
"It's been a while Alex,I mean I've only met you once but my life's been a little bit emptier without you" He teases as I pull out of the brief hug, his arm staying around my shoulders as he pulls his luggage from the boot.
"I saw what happened in Laos" I begin.
"Yeah, it sucks, but it's apart of the job"
I frown at his response, choosing to keep my mouth shut and grab the other suitcase from the trunk.
"Mr Rogers, would you like me to this taken to your room?" I say raising the pitch of my voice.
"Oh no you don't have to do that" he says pulling away from his conversation with tony and glancing at me briefly.
He does a double take and a small smile flickers on his face, "Alex...son of a bitch" Steve's eyes scan me up and down as I feel a knot in my stomach tighten.
"Language" I tease.
"Tony, Did you tell everyone about that?" Steve says, not taking his eyes off of me.
"It's nice to see you captain" I mumble, tucking a strand of my bleached hair behind my ear.
God I was so nervous, it felt like I was meeting him for the first time and I was star struck.
"You look...you look beautiful" he grins causing my cheeks to heat up and for my eyes to meet to tarmac.
Tony clears his throat, "can we go inside so these two can play hide the zucchini in private"
This earned stark a laugh from sam, a smirk from and amused Natasha, an eye roll from Wanda and two very harsh glares from Steve and I.

I wasn't quite sure what to say to any of them. Especially Wanda, I can definitely tell this is taking a bad toll on her. I mean I literally did the same thing a couple of years ago and afterwards I shot my self in the head. I don't think Wanda is at that point but I'm not taking any risks. She has got to be hurting and I don't want her to be on her own.
My knuckles rattle on her bedroom door. It was dark outside and the whole building was bathing in a warm glow of light from the overhead lights,  everything the light touches ( it's the circle of life) was warm and inviting, opposite to the dread and sadness the hung heavily in the air like sticky napalm.
I sigh heavily and rest my shoulder on the wall next to her door, "wanda?" I say quietly.
No response.
I Pause and stand there in silence for a minute, a thousand thoughts racking my mind and words dance on the end of my tongue.
"Can we talk?"
Before I could even finish my sentence the door cracks open slightly, just enough for me to see that her room was pitch black.
I hesitate and slowly push open the door. All the lights were all off but her curtains were open and once my eyes adjusted I could make out the shapes of furniture basked in a dark blue glow. The room just felt heavy and sad. Wanda was sat in her bed on the left side with her knees pulled up and her head turned to the window . The whole bed was neatly made like she hadn't moved from that spot since she got home this morning.
"Hi" I whisper standing awkwardly in the doorway unsure I'd were to place myself.
"Hi" she responds quietly, keeping her head turned away from me.
"Are you okay?"
"Can we not talk about that?" She suddenly snaps making me jump at her sharp tone cutting the air.
"Right, yeah I understand" I say quietly pacing back slightly and tucking my hands into my sweater sleeves as I feel my finger tips tingle cold.
"Sorry...I'm just...I'm just" she sighs turning to glance at me briefly with sad eyes before darting back down to the duvet draped over her legs.
"It's okay I understand." I mumble, bunching up my sleeves in my fists and I feel a shiver shoot down my spine. Would the artic Fox fuck off for five minutes?
"Are you gonna stand there all night or...?" She asks, adjusting her posture and pulling the bed sheets off the right side of her bed, inviting me to sit down next to her.
"Oh right sorry" I mumble shuffling over the carped and climbing into her bed, keeping my distance from her so she wouldn't feel the ice radiating from my body. I grab at the duvet and pull it over myself as my body turned unbelievably cold.
"Are you okay?" She repeats my question staring at me wide eyed watching as my body shakes and my teeth chatter, my breath clouding in front of me despite the room being warm and cozy.
"Y-yeah this j-just happens sometimes" I stutter out feeling an intense migraine stabbing at my eyebrows and forehead.
"Jesus you're freezing Alex, what's happening?" She says beginning to shuffle towards me making me immediately jump out of the bed.
"No don't come near me" I raise my voice staggering away from the bed in fear of hurting her.
"Are you scared of me?" She asks raising her eyebrows at me, hurt written on her face.
Wanda and I don't know each other very well, I think this is one of the first times I've been alone with her. I don't know the full extent of her abilities and she doesn't know the full extent of mine.
"N-no, God no, I'm scared I'll hurt you."
Sometimes my skin can turn so cold that my touch can burn someone. If that makes any sense.
She almost laughs. Amusement flashing over her face, "alex sit down"
I breath heavily is protest but do so anyway, sitting back on the soft mattress, keeping my distance from her.
"Come here" she says patting the space next to her. I shake my head.
She rolls her eyes at me and shuffles towards me again which makes me immediately get right back out of the bed.
"Alex" she hisses, her warm fingers wrapping around my cold wrist causing me to gasp loudly.
I pause and stare down at her hand touching me, unfazed by my violent skin.
"It's okay" she whispers pulling me back into her bed.
"Why are you scared of yourself?" How do I respond to that?
I say nothing but just sink down into her mattress and wrap my self in her feather duvet to try and warm myself up.
"I know we don't know each other very well but we are similar you know" she chirps pulling the blanket up over her shoulder and slouching to pillows. Our arms and legs pressed against each other, a sharp contrast between my frosty skin and her fiery warm skin.
"My...my powers have done more harm then good. I don't want to harm anymore people" I explain holding my hand out in front of me, a small glow of blue clouds appear, swirling around my finger tips, my eyes glowing bright purple.
She stares at the blue light in my hands and then holds out her hand next to mine. A faint red glow of electricity manifests in her hand. Me and Wanda are opposites with our powers and I do wonder what would happen if we combined out abilities.
"Me too" she hums before closing her hand and making a fist, the red smothered out like a flame.
I flick my wrist and the blue disappears.
"I wonder what would happen if we combined our abilities" I question, stretching my legs out in front of me and crossing them at the ankles.
"World devastation" she jokes, her demeanour relaxed and lazy. She leans into my side and rests her head in my shoulder, yawning quietly.
"Good night Wanda" I whisper shuffling my body down the bed and lying down on my back, Wanda head resting on my pillow in the space above my shoulder, her forehead pressed to the side of my head.
"Good night alex" she mumbles.

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