So why?

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I'm going to tell you why I'm depressed

I have been bullied for about my whole life because I'm different

I have big boobs and I'm only in middle school and I'm more mature then everyone and I don't really keep up with trends

And I just want to say if you ayee judging someone for what they look like or who they are like a geek or nerd or fat or to skinny
You are such a bad person and I hope you change around quickly
If you see anyone alone or new give them a hug and say hi don't look at us like we are aliens please! I know you guys are good people and I know that but also we need to help are communities

People are on different sides by
Saying your being racist even though they are saying hi to you and when you say white people dont get killed by police only black (keep reading trust me it's not about to be hating on blacks because I don't care what skin color you are you are a person that should be treated the same like me) well hate to break it you everyone there are bad cops and good nice cops we all can get killed by BAD police and it doesn't matter if your black or white or Mexican we should all treat each other the same no matter what
And feminist OMFG WE DONT EVEN NEED FEMINISTS I think that it's a bunch of women who hate men because they are looking only at the negative not positive too

And also I'm sorry if you hate me when I say this but I'm about to say it to get it off my chest

I'm a trump supporter

The only reason I say that because I think mrs Clinton has health issues

I'm sorry I said to much didn't i?

But anyway I have depression because the world is slowly getting horrible everyday for me

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