Hello :) A/n

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Hey guys! sorry I haven't updated I started school a few weeks ago and they are attacking us with homework and essays and projects you know the drill 😂 and also I'm going to Disneyland on Friday this week so I'm probably going to be busy for the rest of the week. But don't worry! I will update soon I'm never leaving this I love reading and writing it's my strong suit and I am a GEEK of fanfics and I will list some fanfic types I have read you guys can look if ya want some might know most of these;)

Fnaf fanfic (mostly Chris the janitor he is this teenager that look better than me by a long shot😂)

IT bowers gang fanfics and some losers club ones as well but I'm NOT saying who I read about because I don't want a "why don't you read this character he's cute!" Type stuff so cry me a river 🤣 

Welcome to hell fanfics and mostly Jonathan because why not (if you don't know it's a short clip about this kid named sock [thats how you spell it right?] who didn't fit in and he killed him self after he killed his parents[this is not even sad btw you won't cry] and he is in hell and is sent to help people kill themselves and his first person is Jonathan and he can't get Jonathan to kill him self and they just have this friendship together after a few days

And yes I will admit I was a big fan of 5sos fanfics I LIVED for those 😂

Anyway I also want to get to know you guys better so in the comments if you want write

Your real name
Favorite color and activity
A small little description about you
And 3 interesting facts about you

Thank you for your time and for reading my book I'm so happy to have you guys in my life you have no idea anyway I have to go to bed I got school tomorrow 😭😭 have a good rest and for people who have school have a great school year and on that note goodnight sweet people 💕💕💕💕

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