Hey guys this sucks

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Ok so my parents are getting a divorce and I know I haven't posted in a while but that's why and I have finals tomorrow so I'm so sorry for holding you guys up I'm so so so sorry I just need to take a mental break I'm getting therapy and it's all going to be fine soon and I'll start posting again sorry I'm just trying to you know say this to myself and make myself feel better but also I will give you a Christmas treat a beautiful preference

Christmas with the gang

-it's interesting?

-patty ate all the cookies Vic made

- belch and Henry set up the lights

- and you were babied(is that even a word lol)

-they told you to sit and watch some movies

-but you wanted more attention (lol attention whore much lol jk jk)

-so you cried they all came to you and asked what was wrong and you said you wanted attention

-so they sat with you and watch movies


Belch : what smells so bad?


-they got the fire put out just in time

So anyway hope you liked it this is kind of a hey seen you later thing were I take a long break but I'll try to do more but now isn't the time


IT characters x reader request are open SLOW UPDATESOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora