Unexpected pt 2

281 11 3

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys!!!!

It was Marie the person who killed him, instinctly he stepped back, I mean who would want to be near there murderer. Marie looked tense and freaked out like she couldn't believe this was happening. When she turned around and saw mike her eyes became wider, her heart beat going faster and faster, it was weird seeing the confident beautiful girl having a panic attack. "Why the hell are you here marie? Was killing me not enough?" Mike yelled as he formed in a attack formation. Marie flailed her arms yelling "Stop, its not what you think let me explain!" "You have 2 minutes, and if I am not convinced... YOU. ARE. GOING. DOWN." Marie snapped her fingers though it may not look like anything but after she did so, mike couldn't move, ofcourse he could breathe and listen and look but could not move his body. "I will not tell let you disrespect me. Honestly Mikey, use your brain! Your already dead not like I or you could do hurt each other's souls unless you were god that is... BUT on to the point."

"Alright. SO it had been a week since you died and they authorities found you body. After checking doing some police work they found out I killed you and man they saw me. I made eye contact with them and I knew who they were looking for. I ran and ran and ran. I was in the middle of the road and suddenly I was hit by a truck! A truck... (sighing in self despair) Anyways I met this goddess who told me that since I killed you I have to help you in your mission. Or if I don't want, I have to be in hell for as long as you were gonna live if I didn't kill you which is 90 years, man you must have been healthy!!! And how I am going to help you is quite easy. I will go as your twin sister, everyone will have memories of me and so and so. When your mission is complete I either die and go live my own life or I stay here until I die naturally! Cool!"

The information that marie had just told him was a bit overwhelming but at least he had one person who was from his world! "So are you going to say anything.." Mike wanted to yell out 'you dumb or something.. release me already' Finally marie understood her own stupidity and snapped her fingers again giving a sheepish sorry to mike. "Well marie, I guess you already know about my mission," marie nods "so, I guess we are siblings now!"

I was kinda awkward between them so marie yelled "Sorry for killing you Mike" "Sorry for driving your brother to death marie" They both got red and smiled.

Narrator: Folks this is the beginging of a beautiful friendship between a killer and her target! A sister and a brother! A enemy and an enemy! A Friend and another friend! 

Mike & Marie: Shut you god damn mouth! I think the readers rather get the idea.

Narrator: You know what!

Mike: What?

Narrator: I am tired of you bullying me all the time

Mike: And I am tired of you being so awkward and stupid. And anyway what kinda author lets there own character bully them!

Narrator: I don't let you bully me!


Narrator: But how?!

Mike: You know what, I am done... (leaves the premises)

Narrator: Eh, he's gonna comeback later anyways.

Transmigrated as a fatty villainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें